Dark Enchantrees cookie

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Since it's her birthday I decide to make this

* Before kidnapping you*

If she could money for how much she manipulative you, she would be rich Hollyberry cookie.

Asks her loyal workers ( yes workers.) to stalk you especially poison mushroom cookie since they're a child they just have to befriend you and than boom you're friends with them

You may be your friend to if you're alone than told you some lies about every cookie and what they done and also lies about her and others are very good cookies and others along the way so you took her hand and ran with her.

You basically live in her house now but you're stuck in her room, because the others are pretty scary.

She only kidnapped you when you want to go back or you guys have a fight she knocked you out cold than you woke up with her smirking ( NOT that gingerbrave smirk I swear to cookie crumbles.) saying good morning to you and kissing your cheek.

*Being kidnapped*

She basically like a mother to you she always takes care of you, feed you, give you a bath, help you change because she doesn't trust you when you wear such " clothing."

If you ever try to escape she gets the others to go find you and she looks for you herself, when she found you she knocks you out, when poison mushroom cookie found you they gave you a mushroom and you got knocked out, if Pomegranate cookie found she hits you in the head with her mirror(?), if Licorice found he knocks you out with his weapon.

Your punishment for escape is no food for 3 days until you apologize when you apologize she gives you your favorite food when you don't she gives what you least like.

The others will NOT trust you expect for poison mushroom they still love you (aww 💜) but they often hurt you when dark enchantress leaves and make fun saying " do you really think you can escape from dark enchantress worthless." " Bless the ignorant like yourself." So bullying yeah.

She often use PDA on you to show she loves you and wants to take of you so holding your hand, kisses your cheek, cuddling, just say love her god dang it.

She'll buy you whatever you need she a sugar mama and you're sugar baby lucky.

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