Pastry cookie

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She doesn't fall in love easily maybe for a weeks or months for her to fall in love.

She gets jealous easily also she wraps herself around your waist and mumbles to tell them to go away.

After she found out she's acting like a yandere she got worried and panicked what if you her after she told you?! What if Reverend Mother kicks her out?! What if she went to jail for a yandere.

She had no choice but to kill Reverend Mother it was a big choice but worth it for you.

She kidnap you when you asleep she carried you to her room tiring you up.

When you woke up she told what happen while giving you your favorite drink.

When you cry, yell, or scream she pat your head and told you it gonna be okay.

She teaches you the morning prays and don't wanna do it with her she scolded you to do it or else she'll attack you.

If you tried to escape she'll easily find you and knock you out she tied you with hard ropes and when you woke up she scolded you telling not to do that because she did everything for you and this how you repay her.

She grabbed a bat and break your legs while crying and slap you saying never do that again.

If you're kind to her she thinks you're up to something but thanks you for kind even though she kidnaps you:

She the nicest but a monster if you cross her.

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