Black raisin cookie

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Bruh I wanted someone to request this since I did Dark cacao cookie then I was like forget it. (Also smut but I'll a warning, yes smut is allowed.)

You felt bad for black raisin she always alone while everyone was in the castle she was down with a lot of trees with her crows, "are you alright my friend?" You turned around to see pure vanilla his was good friend to you "yeah I'm alright where's black raisin?" You asked  Pure vanilla giggle cause he thought you gonna crush on her "she down in the trees as always."

You ran to see her "hey black raisin are you down here?" You asked "oh hey (MC) what's up?" Black raisin said jumping down from the Branch you smiled running up to her and hugged her giggling "hey raisin lover." You said hugging her tighter, "hey umm so what did you call me for?" Black raisin asked rubbing the back of her head, you just wanted to see maybe going shopping will help.

"I thought we could you know go shopping." You said nervously smiling "that's a good idea but I don't have any money." Black raisin said looking down "oh well that's okay we can just look." You said taking your hand to the mall.

At the mall you have lots of fun (looking at stuff because both of y'all are broke.) but they was one thing that caught your eye you saw a plushie that looked so cool, "look black raisin that plushie looked good I wanna get it wanna get itWANNA GET IT!" You grabbing black raisin hand which she flinched "ow (MC) I told you that either of us got money." You were now sad you couldn't get that plushie.

Black raisin couldn't bare to see you upset it makes her upset "hey why don't you look at other things while I'll go to the bathroom." Black raisin said pointing to clothes you said okay and ran into the store "hey little buddy can you go get that you two go distract the worker." The three crows obey her, after she got the plushie so she can get it to you.

But before she was gonna give it to you one crow stopped her "what's that? I have to explain why I have the plushie oh I guess you're right...I guess I can say I found it on the floor or something." Black raisin ran to go find you once she you she ran to you "oh hey black raisin I was getting bored and I thought about finding you but it looks like you found me." You looked down and say the plushie you wanted "wow where did you that? I LOVE IT!" You said holding it "oh I found it on the floor."

You smiled and the both of you went home. (And when I say home I meant the castle.)

The next day, you were walking around looking for a job (because you're broke) until someone annoying cookie stopped you "hey baby what do you think your going?" You rolled your eyes to see that cookie "why don't you hang out with me and we can have some fun?" The cookies say holding your hips(?) you pushed him hard.

"Get off of me or I'll kill you!"

He chuckled "I know you love me." You rolled your eyes again "in your dreams." You said walking away but he hold you tight "listen here before I kill you." You snapped back "listen here you little pervert no good looking good for nothing you better not touch me again or I'll break your legs." The cookie was mad that you insulted him "did you just insulted me?" You smile and said "no I'm describing you." You said walking away.

He grabbed your hand towards him "you must have a death wish." You said trying to let go he rolled his eyes "go ahead and rolled your eyes maybe you'll find a brain in there." Both of you turned around to see black raisin with her crows "ATTACK!" She said as the crows attacked the prevent you ran to black raisin "let's you somewhere else don't worry the crows will easily find me." She said taking your hand.

You sat on tree where she was all of her life "so why did want me to come here?" You asked "(MC) I always have a crush on you ever we became friends you're so shy/confident also/but a sweet/savage." You smiled and hugged "I liked you too black raisin!" You said hugging her "oh well do you mind going to the movies with me?" She asked "but we're broke we don't have any money?" You said "well I got a few of my friends to get some for a movie and a date." She said "well what movie are we going to watch?" You asked hoping it's (Favorite movie) "well (favorite movie)." She said looking down blushing "omg! Marry me!" You said making black raisin and you laugh.

After the movie you were so hungry "so what restaurant are we going?" You asked "well I only got money for (favorite restaurant)." She said "omg! Yes that's my favorite!" Black raisin smilie took black raisin hand and ran towards (favorite restaurant).

After a few months your relationship with black raisin was amazing she was kind and sweet and also have a job working as a bodyguard for someone else, "phew work was tiring I need to go to bed." Black raisin said walking into her room.


Black raisin saw you in her room naked "what are you doing in my naked?!" She said "oh I was just- Umm you see- it was hot in your room." You said pulling the covers up she blinked for a few times "so umm ain't you gonna you know?" She knew what you meant she was just shocked.

~ SMUT started~

She then suck it up and climb into the bed with you she took her clothes off and open her legs you then scissor her "oh my goodness (MC) that feels so good!" She moans loudly you covered her mouth so no one comes in "you're gonna have to keep quiet for me." You said after a few seconds black raisin hold your hand away from her a little "please put a another finger please." She said moaning out of pain "of course crow lover." You put a another finger into her she moans kinda loud then she cum.

You smiled "wow that was fun but how are we-?" Before you could finish she pulled you into her boobs "suck it or I'll punish you." She said whispering into your ear you suck it "good job." She said patting your back after a few minutes she finally cum "are we done I'm tired." You said "okay fine but please DON'T sleep in my bed specially when you're naked." She said laying down "fine but you're no fun." You said also laying down.

~ SMUT  ended~

You both were holding each other while sleeping feel protected/protecting.

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