Parfait cookie

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Request by: @amonguslover42069

"(M/C) why are we here?" Asked her/his/their friend "so I can get Parfait so sign this!" (M/C) hold up a picture of her "I could sign it and we can called it a day." Said her/his/their friend "what?! No! I want Parfait herself to sign this!" (M/C) holding tightly to the picture of her.

"Hello what's your name?" (M/C) turn around to see Parfait "You're probably wondering what I'm doing here well I finish sign everyone autograph and I thought I could talk to you because you seem cool." Parfait blushing a little.

"Oh really I flattered that you think I'm cool." (M/C) said blushing a little "oh brother." (M/C) said rolling her/his/their eyes, "umm hey do you want to sign my autograph?" Asked (M/C) giving it to her.

"I love to!" She said signing your autograph then giving it to you "I'll be in the car if you need me." Said (M/C)'s friend walking to her/him/their car, "hey if you're every free do you want to hang out at my house?" Asked Parfait blushing a little, "I love to!" (M/C) said happily.

"Great my address is *********!" Said Parfait "okay well I have to go because my friend is waiting for me bye!" (M/C) said walking while waving, "oh (M/C) you're so cute you WILL BE MINE." Said Parfait laughing.

*The next day*

*Knock knock* coming! Parfait said running to see you "hi (M/C) come on in!" She said letting you in "wow! You have a beautiful house but have you seen (F/n) I couldn't find them this morning?" (M/C) asked confuse "oh no but I hope you find her/him/them." Parfait said comforting you.

You sat on her couch sad because you tried calling, texting, even tried to talk to them on tiktok/twitter/Facebook/twitch/instagram/Roblox(whatever your friend have.) you looked down you just want to see your friend back.

"Hey do want a drink maybe it will help." Said Parfait still trying to comfort you "sure I'll have (favorite drink) you answer "Ok!" She answer happily.

After she handed you the drink you passed out on her floor (no! The poor floor! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞) and Parfait feel bad because you are too beautiful/handsome/cute to be kidnapped but she have to what if someone take you away from her.

"Mmm~? What happen?" (M/C) asked where it looked like a basement "sorry my little rockstar but I have to I have to make sure no one was in the way." You look up to see Parfait giving a yandere-ish voice.

"And about your little friend I'm sorry but I have to kill them her/he/they were in the way of our love." She said pointing to your dead friend, you couldn't speak she put tape on your mouth.

"Now I have to go practice my new song but don't worry you'll be the first one to hear it, my little rockstar." Parfait said kissing your forehead, no words can express how betrayed you are. (Well I mean I been betray before soooo~.)

Request open!

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