Pitaya Dragon Cookie

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Your family always told you told you not go to the Hollyberry kingdom and they is no reason why your friends keep saying that the Hollyberry kingdom is amazing and nothing every goes bad in there, they also tried to take you but one of your family members stopped you and told you not to hangout when with them.

You were stuck in the house until you turn 24 you wanted to leave and explore the world which your family agreed to but told you not to go to the Hollyberry kingdom, you got annoyed and live with one of your friends in a apartment so you see everything you been missing about.

When you went to the Hollyberry kingdom your friend got worried like they saw a crumble cookie you asked them about it and your friend told you not to worried about it, you were so concerned for your friend you almost saw them crying.

You were so exited when you got there you ran inside and saw a bunch a cookie with bruises and cuts some of even crying their eyes you felt sorry and sick you tried to runaway but a dragon stopped you and tied you in a chair then they turn into a cookie you saw your friends apologize to you while the dragon handed them money and leaving you.

You felt so betrayed you guys were best friend then they left you for some dragon "aren't you gonna greet me love?" The dragon asked you didn't say anything just stare at the floor "hey! Answer me you piece of shit!" The dragon yelled angrily.

"Y/n." You said a little  angrily "well I already knew that I just want to see if you answered me." The dragon said kissing my cheek "what's your name?" You asked you need to know their at least "pitaya dragon but you can Pitaya or can pet names darling."

"I'm so confuse." You quietly said "I'll help you with your confusion." They said "you see I hire all of friends to get you to go to the Hollyberry ever since you were 18 and I forced your friends to come here and if don't well I didn't hurt because you somehow it would be me so I hurt all the cookies here."

"Oh wait you much be hungry I'll go get some food." And with that they're gone I look down and I saw a men with pink hair "here I'll help you, go quick get some help, go get Ugh pure vanilla cookie and free us." He said as he untied you.

You asked where pure vanilla was "in the woods I just saw him this morning." He said laying back down with tears coming out of his eyes you thanked the man and ran to go get help.

"No problem and my name is Wildberry and I love you." He confessed to himself it was maybe love at first sight.

Request by: no one :D

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