Clotted cream cookie

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He was walking to get some jellies for his friends until he saw you walking down singing a song it was music to his ears (pretend you can sing if you can't) and wanted to get your attention.

"hey hey!" He said walking up to you, you look behind to see who was talking to you, there was a guy ok haircut, nice clothes waving at you wanting your attention "Umm hey what's your name?"

Should you really tell this man your name I mean you guys just met, but just to be kind you told the stranger your name "Y/n." You said walking away, "So I heard your lovely singing voice and I was wondering..." he said looking at something else.

You turn back not trying to rude, "Can I have your number." This man was fast to become friends or even more, you didn't feel like giving him your phone number but again trying not to be rude you give him your number and walked away.

He couldn't stop calling your texting you, he wants to you know a bit more you got tried and want to end this conservation by saying "Oh sorry I have to go." You send it "Why?" He asked you lied saying that you're going to eat with your family.

"Well why don't you just cancel it?" He asked "We haven't hangout in a while and thought that we would hangout for dinner." You hit send and he responded quick "Can you a least text me while you're eating?" He asked "No sorry have to go." After you hit send you lay down and went to sleep.

You wish that you could block him or say no when he asked you for your number because when you checked your phone there was 38 missed calls and 42 text messages of him you yelled at him in text "WHY DID YOU CALL ME AND TEXT ME SO MANY TIMES!" You hit send and get ready for the day.

After you done with showering there was 18 messages oh shit that's way too (tbh if someone did that to me I'll pull all of my hair.), so you delete his number and block him it was a little rough but you have to, no way someone has the time to text and call you so many times.

Clotted cream was so angry that he almost threw his phone to the wall crying hard nonstop all he wanted was attention, your love, your care he stop and think what if he kidnaps you than jumps up saying that's a great idea he have to kidnap you. ( why do I feel like he's sing a song.)

He saw you walking down humming a song, and you saw him too you quickly walked away not wanting to get into any drama he followed you but very quiet so he won't get caught but you feel like someone is behind you.

After knowing where you lived he knocked on your door and waited for you to answer it, you open the door and saw him you didn't close the door you just froze "Hey can I come in?" He asked you let him but you have no doubt he was something terrible.

He give some candy for your friendship, you get it when it looked like a pill "But this is pill you idiot." You said "So you never have a tic tac before?" He asked while smirking (I swear to Wattpad it's not that gingerbrave smirk.).

"What of course I have a tic tac!" You kinda yell you just want him to leave "So why don't you try it?" He question still smiling "Fine!" You said taking the pill "You should just to talk to me calmly." He asked hugging you "Why?" You said coldly.

"Because this a sleeping pill so you're gonna be a sleep then we start our relationship but first I got to punish you for ignoring me." He said then you fell asleep.

Request by: @Idunnowhattoputsoo

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