Mint choco cookie

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Request: closed
Was it requested: yes by @Dovelymeko
Words: 520
Started: 4:15 pm
Finished: 4:53 pm
TW: Suicide, blood, yandere acts, death.

He acted so sweet like PV but later he acted like a total psycho but you'll never know that he is a yandere.

When he's around you he acted so sweet, kind, and a softie when he's around others he acted cold, bitter, and a killer because he meet you.

Cookies always run away from you because of him, if they even touch you on the arm he torture them, their family, and friends ( but if they are in your family than he stills kills them what if they ruined his love he can't let that happen.)

He forced Parfait to get hated to your family she obliviously said no but he told her if she doesn't he'll kill her so she have to, so don't be surprise if your family gets hated from other cookies.

You hated how parfait did this to your family member and stopped hanging out with her but after you stopped being friends she disappeared but her videos of hating your family is up but she never shows her face. She won't stop until either A. She lies saying they tried to kill her and got a death sentence or B. They commit suicide.

You went to parfait's house to see where she is and didn't she her anywhere, even if you call her, text, or email her she doesn't respond, even if you asked everyone where was they didn't know where she was she...disappeared.

You got kidnapped in her house either mint called you to hang out or you went to his house because you didn't asked him where Parfait was or whatever, when you get in he give a glass of you f/d ( favorite drink) after taking a sip you pass out on the floor and mint choco was laughing.

When you woke you were in a attic when you look next to you, you saw Parfait with her eyes out, her mouth open with blood, blood all over her, rope, and chair, you were screaming and crying wondering what happen to her, than mint walked up saying oh you're wake good, he told that he forced Parfait to say rude things to your family member and how he murder the cookies and also Parfait because he was bored with her.

When you scream/yell/ or cry he looked at you with a sinful smile and played a creepy music to make you calm down but you didn't he kept playing until you calmed down.

When you escape he went to go find you with a weapon and lie to the cookies that he was gonna fight someone when he found you he put cuts all over you until he thinks that's enough cuts for you than knocks you cold, when you woke up you saw a cookie with their heads off he laughed and said that if you escape again than a other cookie will crumble just like this one.

He's like PV he's creepy but loves you deeply.

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