Espresso cookie

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He never fell in love before but when he met you
he acted nice and sweet not yelling at you or making fun of you, he cared about you and he blush a little.

When he's busy he asked you to meet his friends but instead (he's always busy btw) you did and let me tell they were shocked when you said he was nice they asked what did you do or say that makes espresso nice to you.

He took pictures of you even you're asleep he kept all of them in his room to simp over you and if someone found out he buried them alive than lie and say he doesn't know where they where.

Every time you hangout with someone he gives them a creepy smile and won't stop doing until they leave and lie saying they probably didn't want to hangout with you he said while hugging you.

If they still hangout with you than he keeps them in his closet and beat them to death than buried them and lie saying they hate you so that why they hate you.

He decided to kidnapped so no cops were gonna get him and you stop crying about your friends stop hanging out with you so you got knocked out and trap in his closet and he laughed when he saw you sleeping and snoring.

When you scream, yell, or cry he kicked you and whisper yelling to shut up or else and he beat a little with a baseball bat and kiss you saying sorry I love you and walked out to get you something that will make you happy.

When you escape he was emotionless and grab a axe while looking for you if someone asked why he have a axe he told that he's fighting a cake hound while being emotionless when he found you he knocked you out and when you woke up he smiled and beat you until he thinks that a enough blood.

He patched you up so you won't crumble (die) and kiss your cheek ( or hand whatever he feels like) and told not to do it again with a kinda sad face.

He sometimes buys you plushies because he thinks they're cute and you're cute so maybe you and the plushies can be twins, plus he does let you out if you been good for a few weeks but only the closet, so don't try anything.

He more of a psychopath than sweet, kind cookie that you met earlier.

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