1. Landing in Rio

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Collecting my things from the baggage claim. I reclasp Thor's service dog vest around him and give him the command to "work".

As I leave the airport my senses start to tingle. ( No not like spider man!) I pull out my phone and pull out my glasses to see better. My app says my cab is here. But as I look around I can't seem to find it.

I feel Thor go stiff and start to growl .
" Heel, Thor." He quiets down. But I soon realize the reason he was growling.
" Thea Toretto?"

I turn to the voice to see a very good looking man approach me with several men in tactical gear. Thor growls again. I pat his head to calm him down.

" Sorry my names Thea Travers. You have the wrong person." I turn and gather my things to leave. Making my way to a cab that I see available.

"No I'm pretty sure I have the right person. Thea Toretto. Changed your last name  to Travers after you crashed illegally street racing three years ago. Partially blind in your left eye. You got your service dog two years ago named him Thor. He was the runt of the litter and you begged the owner, who was a family friend, to give him to you. You nursed him back to health and trained him yourself. You got the certification for him six months after you had gotten him. How am I doing so far?"

" I....."
" I'm DSS agent Luke Hobbs and you Thea Travers Toretto are under arrest."
I take a step back and ask him.

" On what grounds?"
He stops coming at me and stares.
" that's what I thought. You have no grounds to arrest me."

I pick up my things again move to the cab.
" You and me, Toretto will meet again. If I find out that you've helped your brother and his friends , I will come for you. Harder and faster than a typhoon , I will take you down."

I stop and turn to look back at him and give him a once over. Stopping on his crotch. Seeing the big bulge there I look back up at him.
" Harder indeed. Nice to meet you DSS agent Hobbs. Hope to see you again soon."

He blushes at my innuendo. As I climb into the cab I look back at him to see his men laughing and he's still blushing. When he looks back at me I wink at him.
I see a small smile grace his face until one of his man starts making kissing faces at him. He turns around and starts barking commands.

They push each other towards their vehicles I hadn't noticed before.
"Where to pretty lady?" Asks the cabbie in Portuguese.

" to 1400 Warehouse Boulevard."

He shakes his head and mumbles about crazy tourist wanting to go to the bad part of town.
I smile and turn to find Thor staring me down

" What?"
It feels like he rolls his eyes at me . He lays down crossing his paws and takes a nap.
After about thirty minutes of traffic we finally pull up outside the warehouse. I pay the cabbie , clip Thor's leash onto his vest and take my duffle bag from the trunk.

I make my way inside to see Dom talking to a group of people.

" Good I can see you've all met."
I see Brian and Mia among the group. I smile and I unclip Thors leash.
I squat and whisper to Thor.
" Go get Dom."
Thor takes off running, Dom see's this blond blur coming at him and his eyes widen.
The others start to yelp when they see the pit bull running at Dom.
Thor jumps and tackles Dom to the floor. Proceeding to lick him all over.
" Yo! Where'd that come from!" Shouts Roman.
I pull out my retractable cane and move from the shadows.
" From me."
Dom is laughing and scratching Thor on his belly. Mia gasps when I move towards her.
" Thea?" I smile at her . She comes and wraps me up in a hug.
" what're you doing here?"
She asks.
I pull back and look over her shoulder.
" Dom asked me to come."
I watch as mixed emotions passes on her face.
" I'm not gonna drive unless I have to Mia." I say
" Thea call off your slobber machine!". Chuckles Dom
I smile at him
" Thor heel." Thor whines for a minute but comes back and sits by me. His tail just a wagging. Dom wipes his face .

" uh excuse me but who is this fine thing?" Says Roman Pearce.

" this fine thing can knock you flat in three seconds. One if I want Thor to take a bite out of you." I snark back at him.

I turn to Tej and smile
" Hey Tej, still keeping bad company?"
He laughs as he comes and hugs me.
" how you been Queen?"

I shrug as he pulls away.
" missing the adrenaline rush. But better off."
He smiles and pats my shoulder.

Dom steps up and pulls me into a crushing hug.
" missed you little sister. "

"Missed you to Donnie."

" I see you taught Thor a new command since last time."
I shrug
" he loves you Dom. But for the life of me I don't know why?"

He chuckles and turns to everyone else.
" Guys this is Thea. Our baby sister. And the missing piece to our puzzle."
I smile at that.

" And how do you suppose that Dom?" Asks Han

" Well Han, I've got something you all don't."
He looks surprised that I know his name.

" oh and what's that Queen?" Tej asks

" inside information. On Hernan Reyes."

" Thea met Reyes six months ago. She was on a business trip for her job. Some how Reyes bought the company and Thea helped with the merger." Dom fills in.

" he took interest in me for some reason. Offered me a personal assistant job to him. I turned him down. I didn't like the way he handled business. He's been hounding me ever since . Sending flowers, gifts. Even sent me a coupon for Thor to go to a doggy groomer."

" So you have an in with him." Says Brian.
I nod and continue.

" he has no idea who I'm related to. My records were sealed after the accident. I changed my name and left the racing scene but I have done alot of interference for you guys since Dom got out."

Shock and appreciation goes up. " Thea is our eyes and ears out in the world, giving us aide from the background."

" So let me get this straight" "says Roman
" You're,their sister, who has been helping us get information on Reyes for months?" I shrug and run my fingers through Thors coat.
" Pretty much. "

" Beauty and brains my kind of woman." He says

" Dude you ain't got a chance with her." Says Tej.
I laugh at Romans hurt expression.

" come on Thea let's get you settled." Says Mia. I follow behind her and unpack .
I fall asleep to the sound of laughter of my family.

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