23. Auction

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I put the very revealing dress on. Grudgingly might I add but I do it . Kaitlyn is stunning in hers . The lady in red comes back in and has us sit down at the vanity mirror . She does our hair and make up and I have to say she is really good at it.
She curls my hair and puts half of it up. Then she hands me a pair of beautiful turquoise blue heels . I sigh and put them on.

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( her makeup below)

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( her makeup below)

I look at Kaitlyn to see her trembling

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I look at Kaitlyn to see her trembling . I lay a hand on her shoulder and whisper .

"Stick close to me no matter what."
She nods and says
" what're you planning?"
I smile as an idea forms .
" you just wait and see."


We're brought before Petrov and his snakes eyes rake over us both.
" You both will bring me a lot of money."
But before he orders us to be carted off I say
" how about a wager?"
His eyebrows raise in curiosity and I know I've got him right where I want him.

" oh and what do you possibly have that I want?"

I look him dead in the eyes and say
" my voice."
He laughs and the thugs around him laugh.
" you must be joking! This isn't the little mermaid. Why would I even consider this wager as you call it?"

" because what have you got to loose? I have everything."

He nods at the lady behind us . " let is see what she can do. She will be the opening act before the auction."

As I'm pulled away a Cheshire Cat grin takes over my face. See what you dear reader don't know is that ,when I started working for Mr. Nobody , he installed something in my voice box called a " lullaby".
What that is , is if I sing certain notes I can put anyone to sleep that is in front of me. It's taken alot of practice but with my bionic eye the sound of my voice can bounce off the signal my eye gives out so it can pin point my location through the tracker that I have in my shoulder. Yeah learned that trick the hard way. I made sure Logan knew about it. Let's just hope he's keeping a look out for my tracker.

I'm pushed back stage and I see several musicians waiting for me.
" do you know " Count me Out" by Sheena Eason?"

They all smile huge grins and the saxophone player speaks up for the group
" oh that's one of our favorites! We'd love to play for you!"

I smile and say
" play it in the original key. Exactly like she sang it leave the rest to me."

They nod excitedly as I turn back to the curtains.
They get into positions and I wait for my cue.

( Count me Out by Sheena Eason) this is what Thea sounds like

The opening strands sound and I open my mouth and sing for my life.

" If you got romance on your mind,
If you'd like to stroll hand in hand,

I step out from behind the curtains and slowly walk around.

" if you want to cuddle in the moonlight , and whisper
"Ain't love grand"
If you want some to buy that sweet talk, that you guys all love to spout,

I step off the stage and begin to walk around the tables seeing that I have all the buyers attention.

" Baby....Count me out"

I place a hand on a gentlemen's shoulder and raise my hand to his cheek and lean in close.

" if you want to dance cheek to cheek, then go home and talk all night long.

I lean back and wink at him. He smiles a devilish smile at me as I continue to the next table.

" If you want to send somebody flowers, and share a stupid song."

I stop and sit in a younger man's lap . Wrapping my arms around his neck.

" If you want a woman, who believes that, You're what her life's all about."

I pinch his cheek and stand placing a hand on my hip I look back at him and say
" Baby Count me out."

I see someone in the audience I wasn't expecting and I smile a big smile just for him as I move towards him. I grab his tie , wrap my hand around it several times and pull him into a stand.
I move back towards the stage and begin the bridge to end the song. I pull him up the stairs with me and someone has graciously placed a chair in the middle of the stage. I push him down into it, And continue to sing.

" I've been there,
I've done that.
It's nowhere,
It's old hat
Forget those thought your
Thinking Mister!
And just regard me as your

I move around him in a circle and move to stand in between his legs I bend over and grind against his crotch. He places his hands on my hips. I slowly roll my body back up. As I do I notice my team stationed around the room. I send a smirk to them and continue singing.

I pull away from his hands turning to straddle his massive thighs. Throwing my arms around his neck and sing.

" if you want to send. valentines.
If you want to write poetry
Here a little change, go call somebody

I get up and run a hand down his cheek . Then stand and prance away from him.
At this point he biting his lip as I strut away .

" that doesn't look like me!
And if you got plans to fall in love
Without a shadow of a doubt
Baby! Count me out!
Baby.....count me out
That's what I said .
I said baby!
Count me out ,

I'm standing at the curtains and I look back over my shoulders and say

" Hound Dog."

I wink at the cheering crowd and blow them a kiss as I make my way back stage to find Petrov standing there smirking like the cat that got the canary.

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