27. I love you

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I open my eyes to the sun shining into a beautiful room that looks unfamiliar. I slowly sit up and take in my surroundings; wondering where in the world I'm at.

I throw back the covers and cautiously stand. My legs wobble as I take careful steps to the bathroom.
Trying to make it there before my bladder wins and decides I've held my pee in long enough.

I make it just in time. I hoist myself up make it back to the bedroom. I refuse to look at the rats nest a top my head. Knowing that it's bad.

I make it to the door, and lean against the wall as I go in the direction of voices.
When I move into the door way I find Luke and a pretty girl talking over breakfast.

I stare at them in confusion.

The girl notices me first and smiles at me. Luke turns and see's me standing there and moves to help me to the table.

" Thea why didn't you call for help?"
I take a seat and smile at his fussing. I look to the girl and ask
" is he always like this?"
She rolls her eyes as she says
" you should've seen him when I broke my arm. Babied me for six weeks. I liked it at first but it got real old after the first two weeks."

Luke is blushing when I look up at him. He rubs a hand over his head , clearing his throat to break up the attention that has been thrust upon him.

" Yeah well.... It was warranted. You couldn't do anything until you figured it out."

He takes his seat and I laugh at his expense. I wince in pain and He looks at me in concern

" How're you feeling?"

I sigh
" I'm sore and tender. My hair looks like a rat has built a nest in it. I need a shower , because I'm sure all they gave me was sponge baths and I need to call my family to let them know I'm alright."

He nods his head as he places a hand on my shoulder.

" I called Dom to let him know the situation. After he ripped me a new one , he agreed that you didn't need to drive home and aggravate that injury. He's waiting on you to call him when your ready. He said there's no rush."

I nod as I take a bite of bacon, and moan at the crispiness.
When I open my eyes Luke is looking at me with a look that instantly makes me soak my panties.

I clear my throat and take a sip of orange juice. I notice his daughter smiling as she takes a bite of her eggs.

I smile at her and ask
" so ..... wanna tell me what's been going on since I got here?"

I see a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she opens her mouth to answer me but Luke clears his throat and says "I think it's better if she doesn't."

I raise an eyebrow at that as I turn to look back at her.
" we'll talk later."

She giggles at her dads exasperated look but quickly finishes her breakfast .

" I've got tons of homework to do. And I need to finish my science project. It was nice meeting you Ms. Thea!"
She gets up and places her plate on the counter and scurries off to her room.

When I turn to look back at Hobbs he's staring at me in a thoughtful way.
I slowly get up , grabbing my plate and glass, taking it to the sink.  I hear him get up walking towards me.
I don't turn around as I see his hands are placed around me on each side , caging me in. I take a deep breath , slowly letting it out.

" I knew you'd come for me."
He gently wraps me up in his strong arms , mindful of the wound on my stomach.

" I'll always come for you."

My heart skips a beat at those words. I turn and look up at him and ask
" I thought I was just a liaison?"

" You were never just a liaison Thea. You had me from the first moment you smarted off to me at the airport in Rio. Your smart, beautiful, resourceful, kind, compassionate,can throw a mean right hook, and I....."

I stare up into his eyes and see what I was hoping for shining there.

I cup his face , gently pulling him down to meet my lips. I kiss him gently, showing him all my love.

I pull back after a few moments , and say three words I had been guarding close to my heart since I met him all those months ago.

" I love you too."

He brings his forehead to mine just holding me in his arms. Sighing in relief.

" I love you, Thea Torretto . More than I thought possible. I'm so glad I took that job in Rio."

I chuckle at his honesty, but wince when my stomach muscles pinch.

" Ow don't make me laugh." I slap his bicep playfully.
He smiles down at me and I know that I've been blessed. I place my head on his chest and sigh in contentment.

" Come on let's get you back to bed. You still have a long way to go before your healed up."

He gently picks me up and carries me back to the guest bedroom. I look longingly at the bathroom but sleep is making my eyes droop.

" I promise I will help you wash your hair when you get up but for right now rest and get your strength back."

He places me on the bed , pulling the blankets up around me. I smile up at him and say as I drift off .

" love you muscles."

Just as I drift off I hear him say
"I love you too, my Diamond."

Authors note!

Oh my goodness! They love each other! I'm so happy!
I'm so happy with the way this story is going. And I'm really inspired by the last two Fast and furious movies that have come out! I've got a bunch of great ideas! So tell me what you think! Give a like , a comment and a vote and tell me your favorite part of the story! So many great ideas coming foreword!
Thanks for reading!

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