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The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Riley has been smirking at me since we stepped foot on the plane. The others (except Duke) throw pitying glances my way. I ignore them. As I listen to my head phones. My phone vibrates as I get  a notification from Tej about us meeting up in Moscow. I let him know to just be prepared and to let Dom know . I get a notification from Derek and smile as he heard through the grapevine that I'm in town and wants to meet. I decline saying I'm working .
" Who're you texting?"
I look up at the question from Hobbs. I shrug as I place my phone back in my pocket. Then a mischievous idea comes to mind.
" My Ex. He wants to meet up since I'll be in town."
His eyebrows raise at that.
I notice his hands tighten into fists.
" You won't have time.  We have to stop Shaw."
He grunts through his teeth.

I cross my arms as I stare up into his handsome face.
" there is no We , Agent Hobbs. There's you  and then there's me. You drew that line in the sand this morning. I'm just a liaison for your team. Remember? You don't control who I can or cannot see."

He gets in my face and whispers
" While you are the liaison for my team. You work for me. So when I tell you to jump..... you say how high. If I tell you to go dancing in the rain in nothing but your underwear, you say with or without an umbrella. Am I clear Ms. Toretto?"

I grit my teeth and say
" Screw. You."
He just stares at me for a few moments. Then says over his shoulder.
" Logan! I want you to be Ms. Toretto's escort. She doesn't leave your sight."

Logan sighs and says
" Yes Boss."
Hobbs steps back and takes his seat picking up some files and reading over them completely ignoring me.
I make eye contact with Logan and he smiles at me. I roll my eyes and put my earbuds back in my ears to continue to listen to my music.

Three and a half  hours later we land in London. I get up to disembark the plane , but I'm bumped from behind and stumble. When I look up it's to the retreating form of Riley.
Logan reaches down to help me back up. I glare at her back.
" just ignore her. She's jealous."

I look at him and say
" Logan I'm telling you there is something off about her. Don't you think it's a little  odd that she comes out of no where and is assigned to this team. For this mission?"

He shrugs and says
" Just keep your head down and stay out of her way. Trust me. Hobbs is on a war path for Shaw. And her egging him on isn't helping anything."

I sigh in defeat.
I snap my fingers at Thor giving him the command to work and he walks beside me as we make our way to the vehicles waiting for us. Just as I'm about to climb in the back of the truck, Riley grabs my back pack pulling me back .

I flail my arms to keep myself from falling. When I finally catch my balence it's to see her smirking at me as she climbs into the vehicle with Hobbs and Duke.
They take off leaving the rest of us in the dust .

I look to the rest of the men and say " Anyone want to takes bets on when I'll kick her ass?"
Cheers go up as I laugh climbing into the cab of the second truck.
James , Logan , and Owens talk about some moves I should pull on Riley. And it feels like I have these three men in my corner.
I've made friends.

I laugh at a joke Owens had told as I get out of the truck.
We're outside a huge building that looks like it needs a fresh coat of paint.
Logan places a hand on my shoulder and steers me towards the door.

" Hobbs just radioed , your teams waiting for us inside."
I smile and move quickly inside. Coming into a conference room I smile as I see my family.

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