31. Hobbs

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A month passes and still no word about Thea. I even reached out to Mr. Nobody and he gave me some bull crap about how she had been reassigned over seas.

I demanded to know where but all I got was .
" I'm sorry Hobbs but if she wanted you to know she would have contacted you by now. Let it go. For both your sakes."

So now I'm beating the shit out of the punching bag trying to let off some steam. But all I can think about is our last conversation.

" Luke......make love to me."

I freeze and turn to look back at her. Slowly coming closer.

" I'm sorry . I don't think I heard your right. I thought I heard you ask me too......"

" I did and I want you too."

I blink down at her and then say
" Thea ......I don't think....... that's a good idea."

She flinches from the hurt at the rejection.
I cups her jaw and say
" hey none of that. It's not that I don't want to... it's just....."

She pull away from me and moving to stand near the door
" Luke you either do or you don't . I want you. Now. Are you really going to turn me down?"

I grab the bag and sigh at how that day went from calm to chaos in a few minutes. Samantha still hasn't forgiven me for letting Thea walk out of our lives. She barely will talk to me.

I look over my shoulder at my team. Their all more subdued since Thea was reassigned . Even Duke.
I rip the gloves off , throwing them to the mat and make my way to my office. Not really caring that I smell like something in an old dirty laundry bag.

I grab my phone and dial Dom's number.
He picks up and says
" Surprised it took you this long to call Hulk. "

" Where is she?" I ask

Silence then I hear someone ask
" Dom who's on the phone?"

My heart skips a beat.
" Put her on the phone. Now"

" Your in no position to make demands Hulk. But I'll let you talk to her if she wants."

He covers the mouth piece and says
" T , phones for you."

" Who is it?" She asks

Silence stretches and then I hear her say
" Oh..... Dom I don't think...."

" Thea grow a back bone for goodness sake . Talk to the man! He deserves to know what's going on." Dom says

I'm shocked when she actually comes on the phone.

" Hello Hobbs."

I sigh when I hear her say my name.
" Thea, what's going on?"

" I thought it was obvious. You didn't want me any more so I left."

" this is all because I wouldn't....."

" Yes. It is. I was ready for the next step you weren't . So I left . Simple as that."

"IT'S NOT! And you know it isn't! You had just been rescued from a sex trafficking ring! Your emotions were all over the place! You wanted something I didn't think at the time was appropriate because of the traumatic experience you had just went through! But that doesn't change the fact that I love you! And I want you back! I'm miserable without you! Please baby come back to me."

Silence and a shaky breath blows out on the line.
" I can't Luke. And it's not because I don't want to but right now....... It's best for every one if I stay as far away from you as I can."

There's something she's not telling me.

" Thea what's going on? Had someone threatened you?
Who?! Tell me and I'll take care of it."

" You can't fix this Hobbs. You can't fix a ghost. I love you. Tell Samantha that I love her too. I promise Hobbs I'll find my way back if this..... doesn't get me killed."

" Thea what're you saying....."

" I can't go into detail but know it's bad Hobbs."

" Just once would you call me by my name." I grip at her

" Luke I love you."

I sigh into the phone and then the call is disconnected.

I look up at Logan across the office to see him raise a thumbs up at me.

He tracked her down.

I make my way towards him to see where she's at.

" you have  got to be kidding me." I say in exasperation

There on the map is a red dot flashing in

Venice, Italy

"Let the guys know I'm heading to Venice to get my woman back."

He slams his laptop back and says

" their already in the truck with their go bags."

I sigh as I look up at the ceiling
" of course they are."

We get to the truck and I look around at them
" Let go get our girl back."

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