16. After all I am just a Toretto....

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A week . That's how long I've been at DSS. And it's been a miserable week. I play the part of consultant but I am a ticking time bomb. I tap my pen against my desk and glare at Hobbs door. You see I was assigned the desk right in his sight line.

Yeah . You read that right. I wasn't permitted to take the office next door to his. I'm at Riley's old desk right outside his office. Duke being second in command took my office. And he gloats every single time he comes past my desk.

I throw my pen down and stand . I look at Logan And ask  " Where's the gym?"

He looks up from his report confused at my question.
" Uh..... down the stairs and then take a left keep going  down the long hallway. Why?"

I strip off my green over shirt and throw it on my chair. I throw my hair up into a pony tail as I walk past him.

" Thea.... That's not a good idea."
I ignore his warning and keep going . I refuse to sit here another day without working off some stress.
I'm wound tighter than a rubber band.

I hear hurried foot steps following after me.
" You are seriously going to piss him off."

I look over my shoulder at Logan and say
" What else is new? Besides he doesn't want me here. That's why he didn't tell you guys about me coming to DSS."

I pass several agents as I walk quickly to the gym. Some stop and stare at me and some start to follow closely behind. One particular brave agent even whispers 
" she must be PMSing "

I stop and slowly look at him. " You want to test that theory?" I growl at him.
He gulps and shakes his head no quickly.

Then makes his way down the hallway out of sight.
I continue to the gym. Finding several shirtless men at benches .

I ignore them and keep making my way to the punching bag. 
I stop and see several extra pairs of gym shorts with the DSS logo on them. I swipe a pair and make my way to the woman's locker.

I strip out of my jeans  and boots and lay them in my assigned locker

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I strip out of my jeans  and boots and lay them in my assigned locker. Leaving my white shirt on . I pull out my sneakers that I had stashed here this morning and lace them up quickly. By the time I walk out I see a small crowd gathered around the boxing ring. I roll my eyes and begin to stretch.

Feeling eyes on me when I do a split ,I look up to see several men watching me.
I push my self off the floor and make my way to the punching bag. Several men jockey for a chance to hold the bag for me. 

" Guys, guys! I've got it, but if I need help I'll holler." I smile at them. Logan chuckles at their crest fallen faces.

" I don't know why your laughing as soon as I'm warmed up you and I are going to spar."

His eyes widen at that.

Once I'm warmed up and he's changed into some workout gear he and I make our way into the ring.

" do you know how mad he's
Going to be when he finds out ....."

I wave him off.
" Hobbs doesn't scare me Logan. Now let's see what you got."

He comes at me and begins to throw combos. But I deflect each one. We go back and forth for a while. I swipe a Leg to knock him down. He jumps in time and I throw an upper cut at him.
He flips backwards getting away from me.

" back flip nice." I comment
I run at him. Use his thigh to jump and throw my thighs around his neck and use my momentum to throw him to the mat. When. He falls I grab his right arm and put him in an arm bar. His arm is between my legs and his head and upper chest is underneath my thighs.

" what in the Sam Hill is going on here?!" I look over to the edge of the ring to find Hobbs looking at us

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" what in the Sam Hill is going on here?!" I look over to the edge of the ring to find Hobbs looking at us .
I smile and grunt as Logan tries to get out of the arm bar.
" Well I have Logan in a tricky spot. And all he has to do is tap out."

I pull his arm back harder and he hisses a breath through his teeth.
" Ok ok ok! I give! Uncle!"
I let him go and roll over to the side and pop up back into my feet.

" I mean why are half the male agents taking bets on if you'll kick Logan's ass instead of working!"

I ignore him and continue towards my towel and water bottle. Grabbing my stuff I hop down from the ring and make my way to the locker room.

" Toretto! I'm talking to you!" He yells after me.
And it's the way he says my last name that makes me freeze. They way he said it to Dom in Rio when we were at the races. Like he was better than us. And I was lower than dirt.  A criminal.
I throw my water bottle and towel down and spin around . I march up to him and grit through my teeth.

" oh I know your talking to me Agent Hobbs. But quite frankly I don't care much for your tone. I don't know if it's your wounded  pride that's causing you to act like an asshole, because I was right about Riley, but let's get one thing straight here and now."
I poke his chest as I say
" get your head out of your ass and get over your self. Im here for the foreseeable future. No matter how many requests you put in to the new boss for me to be assigned to a new team, oh yeah I know about that, the answer will come back the same. I'm an asset to you, so come off your high horse and stop being such a bastard  or so help me I will find ways to make your life a living hell. After all I am just a Toretto."

I turn to grab my things as I make my way into the locker room slamming the door behind me. I lean against the wall and let the tears fall.
Knowing he'll never see me as nothing more than a low life criminal.

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