19. Settle in

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I'm jerked from my sleep by a hand on my shoulder . I grab the knife beneath my pillow and bring it to the perpetrators throat.
" You better have a good reason for waking me." I haven't even opened my eyes to see who dares to disturb my slumber.

" You think you could put the knife away?"

I open my eyes at those words to find Hobbs standing over me.
I pull back from him and say
" next time knock."

I throw the covers back and stand. I feel his eyes on me as I move to grab my jeans.
He clears his throat when I bend over to pick up my shoes.
" I take it we're coming into Moscow?"

He is just staring at my legs . I snap my fingers in his face.
" Hobbs! My eyes are up here."
He clears his throat as he rubs the back of his neck.
" yeah , pilot wants us strapped in for landing ."

I pull on my jeans and move to the door.
" For what it's worth ..."
I look back over my shoulders at him.
" you draw beautifully."
My eyes widen at him and I quickly open the door and make my way to my seat.
My blush is in full effect by the time I sit down.
James is reading a magazine and I punch him in the bicep as hard as I can .

" owe! What the hell Thea?!"

I lean close to him and say
" Did you show my sketches to everyone?!"

He pales and stutters
" Uh ....we'll...."
I glare at him and say
"you had no right."

He gulps and says
" I'm sorry. I was looking for a piece of paper to write something down and ....."

" you thought it was ok to go through my things and pull out a piece of my sketch paper? Do you know how much that sketch book cost me? A hundred and fifty dollars!!!!"

He whimpers and he honestly looks like a carton turtle peeking out of his shell . I take a deep breath and calmly sit back down.

" I will let it slide this time, because you all don't know the rules. But that is going to change as soon as we get back."

Owens looks over at us and asks " Rules? What rules?"

I smirk and lean back in my chair.
" Why is she smiling like that?" Asks Hobbs

" uh well.....she said something about rules cause James went through her bag."

" Oh shit...." Hobbs looks worried. Then everyone else looks at him. They all seem to realize how serious it is.
" Boss what's wrong ?" Asks Owens

I laugh and say
" Because he knows the golden rule."

"treat others the way you want to be treated?" Comments James.

" never go through a woman's bag. Ever. The repercussions will be dire."
Hobbs says

I laugh maniacally and they all look very scared.
" You my friend are dead." Says Owens. James gulps and try's to scoot a way from me.

The pilot comes over the intercom and says
To fasten our seatbelts for we're coming into Moscow.

Going to the hotel , I realize something there are six of us. When we check in my fears are confirmed. He only got three rooms. when he turns around and sees me standing there the smile drops from his face. And realization appears.

" I guess I can get my own room."
I make my way to the counter .
" Excuse me? I'd like to get a room for two weeks?"

The lady looks at me and says
" I'm sorry Miss, but the only one available is the penthouse suite, which is only reserved for our premium guests and you clearly ....." she pulls her glasses down her nose to look over them at me.
" can't afford it."

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