29. Silas

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I watch her and Dom speed away. I look back at Hobbs to see him look lost.
A Cheshire Cat grin takes over my face as I pull away. They will all pay for what they did to me.
I look in the rear view mirror to see my milky right eye and marred face .
I sigh as I place my white mask back over my face.

It's time the world knew........ you can't run from the Grim Reaper and live. I pull away from the curb and follow Dom and Thea back to their quant little house.

I grit my teeth as I watch them go in and be welcomed with open arms. I use to be like that...... before they took every thing from me.

Before  I became like a Phoenix and was reborn into this. A man bent on revenge.
The Grim Reaper has come for you , Torretto's . It's time to die.

But not yet..........

I pull away watching my previous best friend and love of my life walk into their home.

I smile as I drive away . The his has been seven years in the making. All the planning that I've done it will succeed . Be cause I'm patient ...........just like death.

Authors note!!!
Silas is a one crayon short of a full box. And Silas is my character so ...... Don't STEAL HIM!
Here's what our Villian looks like!

 Don't STEAL HIM! Here's what our Villian looks like!

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