22. Taken

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I'm shoved into a room nearly falling to the ground. I glare back at Brutus as I stand up and dust myself off as Alastor comes in . They gave me a change of clothes and a pair of sneakers .

" you see Agent Travers, I knew who you were the moment you walked into my club. On account of a mutual friend."

He holds up his phone and there smiling happily is Reyes.
I glare at them.
" you sick son of a......"
Reyes interupts me before I can finish.
" Ah Ah ahh. That's not how a lady of high caliber speaks. We'll train that out of you before we sell you to the highest bidder."

" highest bidder? You can't! I'm an agent of the government! You do that there won't be a place for you to hide. My team will stop at nothing to find me."

Alastor smiles a cruel grin .
" oh but they stopped looking for you. A body was found in the a red dress and heels unrecognizable. badly burned. I'm afraid."

I glare at him knowing Hobbs wouldn't stop looking for me. None of them would. Especially since they've seen my scars.

" you won't get away with this."

" but darling Thea ........ I already have."
He turns and walks out leaving me alone . I turn at the sound of chains clinking to find Kaitlyn Bryant. Senator Bryant's daughter.

" Kaitlyn you're alive!"
I rush to her and kneel down in front of her.
" we're getting out of here. Don't worry."

" no we're not."
She sounds so hopeless that I pull her into a hug and just let her fall apart.

**Hobbs' POV**

"Somebody had better find me something and find it fast!!!" I scream at the team it'd been twenty four hours since Thea went missing.
Logan is typing away at his laptop. Duke is pacing back and forth , Owens is over in a corner praying and James is lost in his own world.

" Boss, body was found marching Thea's description. It's at the local police station."

" I want to see the body." I exclaim.

He nods and puts in a call to the local authorities.
I run a hand across my head in frustration. I should've never sent her in there.
I sigh as I walk to the door.

" Let's roll out boys. Let's go get our girl back."

Walking into that police station is one of the hardest things I've ever done. My heart is pounding out a beat that I don't know the music to. Could it be Thea? Is she really gone.

I place my hands on the sergeants desk and say
" I'm gonna cut to the chase. I don't won't no bull crap to come out of your mouth. A body of a woman in a red dress was found early this morning. I want to see the body."

He looks at me as he straightens some papers .
" I'm sorry Agent Hobbs but you are not allowed to see the body until the coroner is done with it."

Before he can blink I grab him by his collar and say in his face.
" that body could very well be one of my team. I suggest you stop being a total asshole and let me see her.....or else."

He gulps and jerks away from my hold, pointing down the hallway.

" go down the hall and take a right pass the lab and it's the second door on the right."

My team following behind me as I take off down the hallway following the sergeant directions.
I throw the door open to find the coroner ........applying face putty to the burned body making her look like Thea.

" I suggest you start talking. Start by telling me who that woman is and why your trying to make her look like my team mate?"

He takes several steps back holding his hands up.
" you have to understand Alastor Petrov paid me a lot of money to make this woman look like your team mate. He asks that I find homeless woman and burn off their faces and add face putty to make them look like other woman. "

Duke comes in the back door just as the coroner moves towards it. Bumping into Duke.

" your gonna tell me everything you know. Or the next body Alastor finds will be yours."

**Thea POV**

We stayed huddled together well into the next morning. Poor Kaitlyn is exhausted. I think the waiting is slowly driving her toward madness.
The door opens, I take a defensive stance in-front of her. In walks Brutus and a woman that is dressed in a very revealing dress.

She has a bag draped over her arm and she smiles at me

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She has a bag draped over her arm and she smiles at me.

" Hello loves. I'm here to get you ready for the auction."
I cross my arms and glare at her.

" there isn't going to be any auction. Not if I can help it."

Kaitlyn moves to stand beside me placing a hand on my arm.
" Thea don't fight them. Just do what they say."

I take her words into advisement and decide that for now that it's the best course of action.

The woman lays the dresses on the chair near her and moves back towards the door.

"The pink dress is for Kaitlyn, the blue is for you Thea. Please be ready in an twenty minutes. I will come back to help you with your hair and makeup."

I glare after them and turn to look at the dresses she brought for us.

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" oh hell no

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" oh hell no."

I look at Kaitlyn to see tears in her eyes.
" it's gonna be alright. We'll figure something out."

I hope

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