25. Escape

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I wink at the cheering crowd and blow them a kiss as I make my way back stage to find Petrov standing there smirking like the cat that got the canary.

" Well , well the little canary can sing. You my dear are going to be making me a lot of money. But sadly Kaitlyn is being sold to the highest bidder."

He grasp my wrist
And pulls me to him.
" now be a good girl and go get changed for me . I want to show you off. "

He grabs my hair , jerking my head back, slamming his mouth down on to mine in a rough kiss. I bite his lip as hard as I can. He pulls back licking up the blood . He smirks down at me.

" You and I are going to have so much fun together."

Dread fills my stomach at that implication. I spit in his face and he pushes me away. Wiping it off he smiles.
" I'd be careful , I'm your only friend at the moment. And the second I pull my protection from you, They will swarm you like vultures."
I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand , smearing my lipstick even more.

" I'll take my chances Petrov."

He snaps his fingers and looks at the guard standing behind me.

" get her to Angelica and change her into something more ........ sexy."

I see Kaitlyn trembling behind him. And I smile at her. Hoping to convey that it's going to be alright. But the look that I get back I devoid of hope. She's given up.

I shoved forward and up the stairs. Back to my room. Angelica is waiting for me and the dress she has is .........shiny.

I sigh and finger the knife I swiped from Hobbs

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I sigh and finger the knife I swiped from Hobbs.
She steps towards me, when she's close enough I grab her by the throat .

" Now here's how this is going to play out. You are going to get me some pants and a shirt I don't care if the dang shirt is see through but I am not going to be putting on that dress. And I want my combat boots back immediately . And just so we're clear with each other I can snap your neck in a second. Go get my clothes and bring them back. And if you tell any one I will kill you do you understand?"

She nods her head quickly and scurries to the closet to look through the clothes.

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