32. Thea

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I'd been in Venice for a month . My team joined me a few days ago. Am I running? Yes . Am I scared? To be determined. I've been pacing the warehouse trying to think of every possible outcome for Silas to move . It's like a chess board. Every move I make is going to determine the next move he makes.

" Thea...... girl you gotta calm down." I look over at Roman.
I shake my head and say
" I should've never brought you all into this. Much less Hobbs. Knowing that stubborn man , he had Logan track the phone call and he's on his way here now."

Roman walks up to me and grasps my shoulders.
" T you gotta know that man is crazy about you. We could all see it when we were in Rio. And don't even get me started on when you got hurt. He wouldn't leave your side. "

I sigh and am about to say something when the door slams open and in strides.....

" Luke? What're you doing here?!"

Grabs me around the waist , hand at my nape and kisses me like his life depends on it.
I'm frozen for a few moments before I wrap my arms around his waist. He gently pulls back and says

" you can't get rid of me that easily."

I pull back and jerk from his arms. I cross my arms over my chest
" I did what I thought you wanted. "

He crosses his arms and glares down at me.
" you booked it out of there before I could get it through your thick head that I wanted us to wait! But you got a phone call and tried to run to protect me! And you used your hurt feelings as an excuse to cut and run!"

He crowds me and places his hands on either side of my head.
" I'm here. And it's going to take an act of God to get me away from your side. Do you understand me, Diamond? I ain't going anywhere. And when this is over you and I are going to a church and you are going to be my wife, I'm not taking no for an answer."

I push him away as I glare up at him.
" I'm not marrying you."

" Yes you are."

" No , IM NOT!"


" WHY?!"

" BECAUSE I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU! I'VE BEEN A TOTAL WRECK SINCE YOU LEFT! You BRING SUNSHINE BACK INTO  MY GREY WORLD! I love you Thea Torretto! So no , I'm not going to step aside and let you think for one moment that you need to do this on your own! I'm here! And I'm not going anywhere! You are going to be my wife, because my world is a lot less bright without you in it."

I stare up at him in shock....
" You're not going to let me go are you?"

" Not even unto death .... You are my ride or die Thea Torretto. You are my Soul mate. I love you with everything that I am."

I feel tears fall and he cups my face wiping them away with his thumb.
" Let's get this son of a bitch. That way I can have you all to myself."

A throat clears and we turn to see Dom watching us with a smile on his face.

" You sure you want to marry into a family of Criminals Hobbs?"

Luke wraps me in his arms and says
" Just try and stop me."

Dom smiles at us then looks at me.
" Let's bring Silas down then we'll celebrate."

I smile and move away from Hobbs towards Tej's station.
But I feel his eyes follow me as I walk away .

Authors note

Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to at least give ya'll something to chew on while I have a serious discussion with my muse.

* Slaps a belt to my palm while glaring at the muse.*

* Muse kicks up its feet and blows me a kiss.*

Ugh but seriously! I will continue this story but I am still getting over being sick so hang in there with me!! I promise I will continue!!

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