30. Explanation

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Pulling into the drive way, Dom cuts the car off and turns to look at me. I hadn't been able to explain what was going on . I just couldn't get the words past the lump in my throat. I finally look at him and say ....

" I love him Dom."

His brows lower in confusion as I take a deep breath and release it slowly.
" But I had to let him go."
He shakes his head and hits the steering wheel in anger.

" What're you not telling
me T?"

I run a hand down my face and sigh.
" Before I called you I got a call, I thought it was my boss requesting me to come back to work. It wasn't."

" Who was it?" 

I let the silence linger for a few moments and say a name we promised never to say again in the light of day.

" Silas Callahan." I whisper

" Shit."

He gets out of the car and makes his way inside. I follow after him in a daze. When I make it inside he has everyone in the living room waiting to hear what's going on.

" Thea just told me that she got a phone call from someone we thought had died. She's pretty shook up. So much so that she left Hobbs' house in a hurry to protect him and his daughter. He has no idea what's really going on so if he shows up here asking tell him that Thea has been reassigned over seas."

" I need to let Mr. Nobody know that way he can make it look like I'm on assignment." I interject

Tej looks at me and can tell that whoever this person is ....it's bad.

" Thea who called you?"
I look at Dom and nod my head for him to tell them.

" Silas Callahan."

Expletives go up and I close my eyes at the sound.
" Yo , who is Silas Callahan?" Ask Roman

I sigh and say
" He was Vince's cousin. He hung around and wanted to be apart of the crew. Vince vouched for him not knowing that he was completely unhinged. He started coming to Dom , telling him about hitting banks , jewelry stores and other things. Dom shot him down. This was before we started hitting trucks. Before The Trans wanted more money. Before I got hurt."

" He tried to take something that wasn't his to take." Speaks up Mia.

Every one looks at me and I sigh. And tell them the secret that I had been hiding .

" I was with some of my friends waiting on the others to get done racing. He came up and started talking to me.   I turned to answer a question one of my friends had asked .......not noticing him putting something in my drink."

" Oh Thea......" says Mia.

I sigh and say
" He didn't get the chance to take things further.Dom found me passed out in my car and took me to the ER. They pumped my stomach and found that I had been roofied. When Dom found out he challenged Silas to a race. Dom won but Silas lost control of his car and crashed into a wall . The car burned. We all thought that Silas died in the car accident. Somehow he got out. Now he's out for blood . Toretto blood , and any one who is affiliated with us."

Roman looks around and then looked at me.

" Thea we are with you all the way. No little ghost punk from the past is gonna run us off."

I smile at him and look around to see determined nods of agreement. This is my family , and family is what matters.

Authors note:

Short up date. But this is just a filler chapter to explain the back story of Silas Callahan. Enjoy!!!!
Hobbs will make his reappearance.

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