17. No more

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I pull up to my childhood home and shut off the engine to my 1971 Plymouth Barracuda . I lean my forehead against the steering wheel and sigh.

After the gym incident , by way of messenger from Owens, Hobbs wanted to see me in his office. I grabbed my stuff, and walked out. Logan looking at me with worry as I stalk past.
I am a strong woman. I will not be bullied by a man who's ego is bruised because I was right about a situation.

A knock sounds at my window , I jump and look to see Han standing there.
I sigh and get out , leaning against the door I cross my arms and refuse to meet his gaze.

" What's going on Thea?" He asks. I remain silent and continue to look at my shoes.
" Talk to me Thea. What happened?"
I look up with tear stained face and say
" No matter how hard I try, I'll never be good enough. No matter how hard I work, no matter how quick I am with a blade or gun, Hobbs will never look past his bruised ego to see that I'm just trying to help."

Han pulls me into his arms and lets me cry. I distinctly hear a truck pull up at the end of the drive and a door slams. But I just continue to cry into Hans chest.

I tense in Hans arms and pull back to whisper to Han.
" I don't want to talk to him".
He looks down at me concerned and says
" anything I should know?"

I open my mouth to answer when I hear heavy footsteps stop behind me.

" Han I need to talk to Toretto . Alone."
I pull away from his arms and turn to look at him. When I do his brows pull down in concern.

" What's happened?"
He steps closer trying to see if I've been hurt. But I flinch when he raises his hand to check me over.

" Thea what's wrong?"

I shake my head as I say
" Agent Hobbs I am done for the day. You are now on my personal time. I kindly ask for you to save any lectures till tomorrow."

" Lectures? What in the world are you......"
I turn my back and begin walking up the driveway.
" Thea! I need to talk to you!"
I grit my teeth as I whirl around and explode

" WELL GUESS WHAT I DON'T WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU! You have given me nothing but grief in the week I have been at the DSS! I may have to put up with your crap-tastic attitude at work! But I sure as hell don't have to in my own home. I will talk to you tomorrow! Right now I am to emotionally drained to even try to have a conversation with you!"

I turn back around and stomp into the back yard. Han following behind me.
I take a seat in one of the lawn chairs only to glare when Hobbs follows me.

" You and I aren't finished."
He places his hands on his hips as he glares down at me. " You are going to listen to what I have to say...."

I stand and cross my arms glaring up at him.
" Read my lips. Screw. You."

I notice my family peering out of the shed and some out the kitchen window. Han had mysteriously disappeared. Bunch of chickens. They know not to mess with me when I'm like this. I'm a powder keg waiting for a match.

" Why are you so stubborn and bull headed! Would you just listen for a second?!"

Keg, meet match, match meet keg. Ka-boom.

I throw my hands up in the air. " Have you looked in the mirror lately! You are the most pig headed man I have ever met! You don't listen! I tried to tell you about my suspicions of Riley! But you put me in my place! You said and I quote
"You are a liaison nothing more. You are not a part of my team. So no I won't listen to anything you have to say Agent Hobbs because you've shown me that what I have to say isn't important. That I'm not important. So I will do my job to the best of my capabilities but beyond that..... after that clock hits quitting time I want nothing to do with you outside of work. Are we clear?"

He just stares at me for a few moments then nods his head.
" Be at the office at five am We got a mission. Pack for cold weather."

Then he turns on his heel , walks down the drive , climbs into his huge truck and drives away.
And I'm left staring after him long after he disappears from sight.

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