21. Club

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Walking into the Inferno is an experience in and of itself. It's not like your normal club in LA. It's a whole different experience more along the lines of a gentlemen's club. I move to the bar taking a seat waiting for the bartender to come take my order.

He moves towards me wiping down the bar.
" what'll you have Miss?"

I smile at him as I say
" Shirley temple. Extra cherries."
He smiles as he moves to make my drink. I take the chance to look around and notice several men watching me from the far corner. I smile at them and take the drink the bartender sits down in front of me. Someone sits to my left and I turn to look who's sitting there .

 Someone sits to my left and I turn to look who's sitting there

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" Hello Darling. Mind if I join you?"
I smile at the fine piece of man that's sitting next to me. " Be my guest."
He orders a whiskey on the rocks. Then he turns to look back at me .
" So what's a beautiful woman like you doing here?"
I smile at him as I say
" just trying to have some fun. I heard that this is an amazing club. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about before I go back home ."
He smiles a devilish smile at me .
" oh where are you from ?"
I shrug and say
" how about we cut the chit chat and you ask me to dance." 
A look of shock passes over his face when I say that. He stands and holds out a hand to me.
" Far be it from me to not do as a lady asks."
I take his hand and he pulls me to the dance floor. I notice the guys positioned strategically around the club, as the mysterious stranger pulls me in closer

" So tell me Thea why your really here?"

I glance up and smile at my old partner. I shrug
" you know how it is. I'm on assignment . Can't go into details Jace."
He dips me and I smile up at
Him. He gives me that smirk that I loved so much when we were working together. He pulls me back up and I notice him tense when he looks behind me.

" Tell me Thea ...... are you trying to get the attention of one Alastor Petrov?"

I spin away from him and make eye contact with one Alastor Petrov. I give him a smile and spin back into Jace's arms.

The music ends and I make my way back to the bar to order a new drink. Jace following close behind me.
He places a hand on my arm and slowly runs a finger up and down it.

" Jace I'm gonna have to slap you."
He smiles at me and asking
" and why must you do that?"
I glare up at him and say
" to get his attention."
I slap him as hard as I can
" get lost creep."
He looks back at me
" I'll be around if you need me."
And walks off.
I turn back to see the bartender placing a fresh drink in front of me.
" compliments of Mr. Petrov , Miss."
I turn to look back over my shoulder to see him salute me with his drink.

I hold my own drink up in toast  and take a sip

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I hold my own drink up in toast and take a sip.
I decide to thank him for the drink. I walk across the dance floor to stand at the bottom of the VIP stairs.
The muscle he has with him steps into my path.

" It's alright Brutus let her pass." He tells his body guard.
I walk up the stairs and sit across from him.
" Hello my dear quite a performance you put on"

I smile at him as I swirl my drink around .
" Thank you . I enjoyed it until he asked if I was interested in going back to his place. Men are pigs. No offense Mr......?"

He smiles at me and the he does it reminds me of a predator that's cornered it's prey.

He places his drink on the table infront of him and reaches to take my hand and brings it to his lips kissing the back of my hand.

" I am Alastair Petrov. And you my dear are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. What's your name?"
I blush at his words as I take my hand back.
" my name is Vanessa Osborne."

We talk well into the night and he is a very Charming man . Knows exactly the right thing to say. I tell him a little bit about myself explaining that I'm in town for school. Art school to be precise.

" I studied in Paris for a year and my teachers suggested to come to Russia to study the art here. To get a new perspective on a different cultures take on art."
He smiles at me as I talk , asking questions here and there.
" Do you have family back home my dear?"
Ah... trying to see if there's anyone for me to go back home to.
" I have two brothers and a sister. Our parents died some years ago when I was a teenager."

" Excuse me Mr. Petrov...."
I turn to see his body guard at the bottom of the stairs.

" What is it?"
He growls at Him.
" Sir they just gave last call. And you having that meeting to get to."
He articulates the word
" meeting".

I look down at my watch to see that it's nearly three am.
I grab my clutch and move to stand.
" I'm so sorry Alastor, I've kept you from an
important meeting."
He quickly wraps a hand around my wrist tightly.
" your not going anywhere Agent Travers."

He knows. I look around to see the club is deserted and I'm in big trouble.

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