5. Stealing a Vault

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After we had successfully been given a head start by Hobbs.  Who reminded me as I was walking away, Giovannis has amazing pizza I smirk at him as I climb back into Dom's car. We all meet up hoping and praying Tej can break the lock on the safe.
" Ok baby don't be mean." He whispers as he places Reyes handprint on the hand scanner. We all hold our breath in anticipation, until we hear the click of the tumblers opening.

As Tej twist the handle of the door and pulls it open I realize. I can never go home. I've aided and abetted in a crime. I pick up my phone and tell my assistant that I'll be out of town for a few months. Family emergency is going to take longer than I expected.

Then I call him. It rings for a few rings then he picks up.
" Hobbs."
I sigh as I try to come up with something to say to him.
" Thea that you?"
I feel tears threaten to fall as I say
" Yeah it's me Hobbs. Thought I'd call to see if I could get a rain check on that date?"

I hear him snap at someone and I know he's trying to track my phone.
" I know your trying to track my phone and that I have about thirty seconds before you ping my location so I just wanted to say I hope you understand my decision in the situation I find my self in. And That I was looking forward to our Date."

" Your not getting off that easy Thea. You still owe me that date."

" Maybe but it'll have to be a little while before....."
I realize my times up and I hang up not telling him good bye.

I sit down on the stairs and cry. I feel someone sit down beside me and wrap their arms around me.

" You really liked him didn't you?" Rumbles Dom.

I nod into his chest .

" I'm sorry I brought you into this mess Thea. If I hadn't maybe......"

I shake my head at him.
" There'a nothing to do now Dom. I need to get away from here. Go somewhere I've always wanted to go."

He smiles and says
" Paris."

I nod at him . I watch as Thor comes towards me and places his head on my knee's.

I scratch behind his left ear. He closes his eyes in pleasure.
" I won't call you unless absolutely necessary Thea."

I shrug and say
" I love you Dom. I'll be there when you need me." I walk with Thor to the table grab my share of the money and my suite case and place it in my car.

I turn to look at the smiling faces of the others. Then leave to go to Paris. I'd already ordered a one way ticket. No turning back. A friend only mine from back in my wilder days forged some documents for me. New passport, New house , new last name, new bank accounts.

Goodbye Thea Travers. Hellos Thea Travis.

🏎🏎Six Months later🏎🏎

" I'm telling you Thea he is an absolute hunk."
I smile at my new assistant Beverly.
" I'm not interested Bev, just got to much on my plate right now. Especially since Mr.Gerard asked me to personally see to it that the files for  the ambassadors are ready for them as soon as they arrive."

" Girl you are no fun. I'm telling you! I saw him this morning as I was walking in and I stopped in my tracks and stared at him. Total beef cake!"
I roll my eyes at her and click to Thor to follow.

" Well that's all well and good for you. But I'm just not interested."

" That's to bad Ms. Travis cause I came all this way to ask you out to dinner."

I freeze when I hear that smooth voice. I refuse to turn around to see him.

" I'm afraid Mr.Hobbs I must decline."

I turn and grab Thor's harness handle. Moving past Hobbs I ignore Bev's shocked gaze.

" You really gonna make me chase after you?"

I shrug at him
" If you've got more important things to do  then be my.....hey!"
He pulls me into a broom closet.
He locks the door and I just stare at him.

" You look good Thea. But I can honestly say I was disappointed when you gave me a rain check . So I thought what better way to cash that in than in Paris."

I look at him like he's lost his mind.
" Come on Thea. Where's the woman who walked into a gym filled with Cops just to taunt me?"

I rolls my eyes at him.
" Luke I'm telling you now if this a ploy to extradite me then I will fight you tooth and nail."

He smiles a charming smile and I know I'm in trouble.
" no tricks Thea . I just want to take you out to dinner. Promise."

I sigh in defeat and then concede.

" Fine ."

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