28. Recovery

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Recovery was a slow process. For the following six weeks Luke took care of me. Took me to doctor appointments, helped me change the bandages, and there was one point where my nightmares became so unbearable he came and wrapped me in his arms and held me the rest of the night.
The next morning we didn't say anything.....just continued like nothing happened. Until ......... I got call.

I had just gotten out of the shower when my phone rang. I'm picked it up not looking at the caller ID.
Looking back I really wish I had.

" Hello?"

" Hello Thea......"

My heart started to beat a mile a minute hearing that slimy voice. I look to the bathroom door and see that Luke is busy on his own phone. I move and shut the door , locking it.

" What do you want Silas?"

Several moments pass before he answers.
" Isn't it obvious Thea?..........I want you and your family to pay for what they did to me."

" What do you mean?"

He chuckles and it send goosebumps across my arms. I swallow and wait for him to answer .

" Your going to pay for leaving me in that car to burn. You , Dom, Letty and everyone else that was involved with the accident. Your time has run out Thea Torretto. The Grim Reaper is coming for you."

The line goes dead and the door busts open and there stands Luke looking at me in concern.

" Thea? What's going on......"
I fall to my knees in a heap hoping and praying that I'm wrong. Luke comes to kneel in front of me .

" THEA! What's wrong!"
I decide then and there to lie to him to protect him.

" Sorry , got weak all of a sudden."

He scoops me up into his arms , carrying me back to the bed. He helps me dress. But I know that Silas is coming for me. I have to figure out a way to get out of here. I put a hand on his forearm. Then say something I've wanted to say to him for along time.

" Luke......make love to me."

He freezes and turns to look back at me. Slowly coming closer.

" I'm sorry . I don't think I heard your right. I thought I heard you ask me too......"

" I did and I want you too."

He blinks down at me and then says
" Thea ......I don't think....... that's a good idea."

I feel hurt at the rejection.
he cups my jaw and says
" hey none of that. It's not that I don't want to... it's just....."

I pull away from him and move to stand near the door
" Luke you either do or you don't . I want you. Now. Are you really going to turn me down?"

I know the answer before he even says anything. It's written all over his face.  He doesn't want me.  I clear my throat and move around him to start grabbing my things

" Oh well then . I'll call Dom to come get me. You've been so kind . I appreciate it Agent Hobbs. I'm sorry if I became an inconvenience. Now if you'll excuse me ...... I need to start packing."

I don't let him get a word in I go to my room across the hall and grab a suite case.
Throwing my clothes in quickly. I shoot a text off to Dom asking him to send someone to come get me .

Not even a  minute later he responds with

" on my way."

I blink back the tears as I haul my suite case down the stairs. Samantha is sitting on the couch watching a movie. She just so happens to peek over the couch at my approach.

Shock at the sight of my suite case . She jumps up and runs toward me .

" Thea! What's going on?
Where are you going?"

I smile sadly at her and say
" it's time for me to go home sweet girl. I've got to get back to work sooner or later. And I can't do that if I'm mooching off of you and your dad. My brother is on his way to pick me up."

My heart clenches at the sight of her tear filled eyes.
She leaps into my arms and squeezes me tightly.

I feel the tears begin to dampen my shirt. I squeeze my eyes shut and slowly push her back.

" Please don't go. We need you! Dad needs you!!"

I smile sadly at her and say
" no sweet girl he doesn't. One day you'll understand, that when you love someone sometimes the best thing to do........ is to let them go."

Her lip trembles and I know that she  understands to a degree. I hug her tightly then pull away. Looking up the stairs I see him watching the exchange with confusion.

A car horn honks outside. I grab my suite case , moving to the door. I open it and see Dom coming up the steps . I hand him my suite case.

" Can you take this to the car?"

He nods and looks at Sammy crying. Then looks back at me.
I sigh and say
" I'll explain in the car."

He nods and moves to the car to put my bag in. When I see him get in the drivers seat I turn back to look up at Luke .

" I want you to know that ........I love you Luke Jeremiah Hobbs. With all that I am. I had hoped that our paths would go a different direction but we don't get to choose our ending. Goodbye."

I walk out the door and run to the car. I jump in just as the door opens to see Hobbs running to the car.

I lock the door and turn to Dom.

" Drive!! now!"
He takes off . And I refuse to look back at the man I love fading in the rear view mirror.

Authors note!

Dun! Dun! DUNN!
Oh! My word! What's gonna happen to Thea? Will Hobbs figure out what happened? You my dear reader will have to wait and see!  And who is Silas?
Many more chapters to come . Let me know what you think with a comment! And a like!

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