2. Sparring

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When I wake I find that most of the gang has gone to find "fast " cars. I grab my gym bag and change quickly to my sweats and a loose tank top. Then I clip On Thor's leash and make my way to the gym I saw on the way to the warehouse.

It just so happens to be the local gym and every local law enforcement uses it. Which much to my surprise includes the DSS agents visiting Brazil. That doesn't stop me.

I walk in and ask the lady at the desk if I could use the boxing ring. She had me sign in and pay a small fee.
" I'm sorry miss Your dog will have to stay here with me." She says n Spanish

I smile at her
" He's my service dog. I'm partially blind in my left eye. He won't be in the way. He's been trained to stay out of the way."

" Oh alright then. Just make sure he doesn't bother the others."

I smile at her and make my way to the gym floor.
I notice several good looking men in the corner lifting weights. I hear grunting and repeatedly thumping sounds from my left.

I turn my head so I can see and there he is.
Luke Hobbs. Pounding away on the punching bag. I watch him go at it. Sweat glistening on his exposed arms. A ring of sweat on his loose t-shirt. A whine Interupts my musings and I look down.

" What?"
Thor gives me this knowing look then looks back at Hobbs.

" Oh stop, it you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a workout in. Stay. "

I drop my bag and Thor sits down next to it. I pull my sheathed Sai's out and clip them to my thighs. I hear someone call Hobbs.

I see out of my peripheral him turn around and the man nods to me as I climb into the ring.

I stretch and then begin a warmup of shadow boxing. I hear several foot steps come to the edge of the ring. Then a happy whine come from Thor.
I unsheathe my Sai's and begin flipping and twisting every which way. I decide to say something to him. So I say over my shoulder
" Take a picture it last longer."
" I've already got your picture on my desk. Why would I need another one?"
He asks.
I smile and turn to look at him.

" Maybe because you've known I was here the moment I walked into this gym. You haven't been able to take your eyes off me. I may be blind in one eye, but my hearing is exceptional. May want to tell your man , Owens to not speak so loudly. Especially about the hot criminal chick that just walked in."

I look at him and I see him blush.
" Oh and FYI I was never charged for anything." I say that a little louder and look at his men standing in the corner looking guilty.

" Look, I ....." he begins
I shake my head at him.

" Save it for someone who cares." I sheathe my Sai , jumping down from the ring.
I see my zipper isn't shut all the way. I narrow my eyes and turn to him.

" Look I know your just doing your job... but this is low even for you." I open my bag and start to take things out. I get to the bottom and see a small button tracker. I grab it and hold it up for him to see.

Shock registers across his face.
" Next time you plant a bug on me, I will beat the crap out of you. Do you understand? I'm not playing around here. Now I came here to work out and to do some physical therapy exercises because this is the only gym around for a hundred mile radius. You want to question me , issue an arrest. You want to search through my things issue a warrant. You got something to say ..... say it. Otherwise, I'm going . "

I throw the bug at his chest which he catches. And I grab my things. As I'm leaving I hear Owens say

" Boss you alright?"

" No I'm not."

" Did she hurt you?"

" No."

" Then what's the problem?"

"The problem is..... I'm gonna marry that woman come, hell or high water."

It's quiet for a minute then laughter.
" Boss , she's a criminal."

" She's innocent. I've looked back over her records. She hasn't so much as shop lifted a piece of candy since her accident. That woman is a diamond in the rough. "

I shake my head at his nonsense. Married to Luke Hobbs? I'll get a tattoo of a diamond when that happens.

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