8. Snake in the grass

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I dress in black skinny jeans , a red T-shirt, and a leather jacket paired with some combat boots.

 I look at Thor to see him waiting at the door

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I look at Thor to see him waiting at the door . He looks at me and whines. I sigh as I open the door and take him to do his business. Passing the kitchen I see Hobbs talking to a woman I've never seen before.
Must be his new " Elena" .
She places a hand on his forearm and says
" Boss , let me handle her. I can talk to her woman to woman. Make her see reason. She's hurt. I mean let's face it you played her. And she got burned." I don't wait to hear his reply I keep walking . My spidey sense is tingling . Something is up with her. I let Thor out and he goes to find a spot to use the bathroom. I text Tej and ask him to give me a background check on the new lady on Hobbs team. Exactly ten minutes later I get all I need.
When we come back in . I grab a hold of Thor's harness and steer him into the Kitchen . To find the team sitting around the table and counter eating breakfast. They all look at me as I make my way to the fridge.
As I grab the carton of eggs , some peppers, mushrooms , and cheese I say
" anybody want an omelette?"
They all look at each other and Logan smiles at me.
" Sure,extra cheese for me."

As I turn to the stove in walks Riley Hicks. The lady I saw talking to Hobbs earlier. I ignore her as she comes and leans against the counter near me.
" So your Thea Toretto? Huh..... thought you'd be prettier."

I freeze . I slowly turn my head to look at her.
" Excuse me?"
She shrugs and says
" From the way the guys have been talking about you I assumed you'd be prettier."
I turn off the stove and turn to look back at her.

" Riley Hicks. Formally Bertha Johnson. Changed your name to Riley Hicks because you thought it made you sound like a movie star. What it sounds like is a desperate little girl from a small town in Kansas trying to play dress up. So Bertha the next time you want to talk to me woman to woman....." I get in her face and say through gritted teeth. "DON'T. I will not be talking to you. I don't like you and I don't trust you. Especially since I heard that little conversation you and Hobbs had in the kitchen this morning. I'm here because I want to be. Not because I'm under arrest. So shove your cocky, back woods, tough girl act up your ass till you choke on it."

I bump her shoulder as I walk past causing her to stumble. The men all look at me in shock as I pass.
" And another thing...."
I stop at the door and look at them all
" You so much as sneeze in the wrong direction Bertha
I will be coming for you."

She glares at me
" You threatening me?" She takes a menacing step towards me.
I smile a devilish smile at her.
" Oh honey if I was threatening you ... you'd know it. This is a promise. I'll be watching you Buttercup."

Walking out of the kitchen I find Hobbs leaning against the wall eavesdropping.
I brush past him to my room. He follows behind me .
" You can't be threatening my team Thea."
I laugh a humorless laugh as I start to gather my things.
" I didn't threaten her. I made her a promise. And I'm making one to you here and now. The moment she steps out of line. Hurts you, or this team. I will be coming for her.mark my words. I may not like some of your men but they are your team and they've had your back many times. So they have my respect. But her..... she's a shark circling bloody waters. I'm telling you Hobbs I wouldn't be surprised if she's a mole planted for Shaw."

A muscle in his jaw ticks and he glares at me.
" That's absurd Thea. And I'll not have you accusing one of my team of being a mole! Know your place! You are here because we need your team to track down and intercept Shaw! You are a liaison not a part of MY TEAM! The next time you think of threatening Riley keep your mouth shut! Do you understand Ms.Toretto?"

I glare up at him
" Crystal  clear , Agent Hobbs."
He stomps to the door and jerks it open. Before he leaves he says over his shoulder.
" We leave in an hour for London."
Slamming the door.
I sit down on the bed and sigh into my hands. I feel Thor place his head on my lap trying to comfort me.
" I think we need to ditch these guys Buddy."
He whines at me causing my conscious to rear it's head.
" Yeah your right probably should stick around and keep and eye on that snake."
I stand and begin to prepare for what's to come. Seeing my family under some not so ideal circumstances.

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