14.Got ya

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I groan as I come back to consciousness. I lift my head slowly and realize , I'm tied to a chair. How original.
" Oh good your awake."
I turn my head to look at Shaw.

" Let me go Owen."
I jerk my hands to try to loosen the ropes tying me up.

" No can do Love. I'm going to use you as leverage."
I hide my smirk at how my plan is playing out.

" They won't fall for it."
I snark back.

He walks over to me grasps
my jaw. And pulls me into a bruising kiss.
I bite his lip drawing blood.
He jerks back at my bite. He brings a finger up to his lip and pulls it back seeing blood .

" Naughty Thea."
He smacks me across the face . I feel a bruise starting to form against my cheek.
When I look back up at him , I spit on him . It lands on his cheek . And wipes it away

" no need for that Love."

He goes to punch me again when Letty walks in.

" Shaw! That's enough."
She walks over to stand in front of me.
" Letty, I was just interrogating our prisoner. She doesn't seem to be in a cooperating mood."

"even still. She's defenseless"

" oh Letty don't let her fool you. Thea is anything but defenseless. I'm going to go ready  . Keep an eye on her. I'll get one of the guys to come get you both."

" Wait we're taking her with us?" Letty asks

" Of course . Especially since I just got a tip that Hobbs is on his way here. Along with her team."

He disappears from sight .
I turn to Letty and ask
" Well? Can you get me out of here?"

She shakes her head and says
" Even if I wanted to . We're not in London any more. We're in Spain."

I blink up at her and say
" Wait I think the concussion is messing with my hearing , I thought I heard you say we're in Spain."

She shrugs and says
" Yeah we got an eight hour head start on the team."

" fantastic."

" so whats the plan? I ask her
" you keep your head down and do whatever Shaw wants ." She remarks .
She cuts the bindings to my legs and hauls me up.

" just keep quiet and do whatever he says."

She pushes me towards the truck and I climb in. Shaw looks back at me and throws me a kiss. I gag as the driver starts the truck up.
Soon we're on a high way behind a convoy.

They ram the drivers in the truck behind the huge truck. Shaw pushes me and Letty to follow him.
We climb up into the cargo truck and make our way inside. What I see surprises me.

A huge ass tank
" Oh shite."
Shaw smirks at me as he pushes me inside the tank.
Keith comes over the radio.

" We got trouble Toretto is coming right at you."

Shaw looks at Letty and says " Get the weapons hot."
She looks at me and I see indecision on her face. I nod at her to let her know to do it. She messes with some buttons and I hear a hum come beneath us.
A few seconds pass and she says

" Straight ahead of us." I bite my lip at how everything is going to play out .

" There you are."
Shaw aims the tank at Dom's car but hits the car behind his. I sigh in relief. I see over his shoulder that the proximity alarm is going off. And I smirk when I see my team on their way .
Shaw notices and says

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