33. Full circle

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" Ok so what's the plan?" Asks Hobbs
I sigh as I say what I know isn't going to go over well.
" We give him what he wants....me."
Utter chaos.
"Nuh-uh! No way"

" Have you lost your mind!"

" forget it chica!"

" Your crazy T!"

I look around at my family and smile at their protectiveness.
" Not happening Diamond. Think of a different way. Cause I ain't letting that SOB anywhere near you." Hobbs states

I sigh as I turn to him.
"You know I'm right Hobbs. If I let myself be captured by Silas then We can ambush him and you can take him into custody. Win win."

He bends down so we're eye to eye and says through gritted teeth " No."

" I don't see any other way to...."

" Use that big beautiful brain to figure out another way. Cause that option isn't even on the table for discussion. "

" Flattery won't get you any where...." I'm being bratty but what have I got to loose.
He smirks at me as he brings his lips to my ear and whispers.
" Then why are your nipples pebbled , indicating other wise?"

I shudder as his lips graze my ear with each word he says . I pull back from him and say
" Fine. We'll figure something else out."

" Good girl."

My ladybits most certainly don't cream my underwear at that praise. I turn away from him and look back at the map.
An idea comes to me . I turn to look at Dom. He cocks his head to the side and he raises an eyebrow at me in question as he asks 
" You gonna call in a favor from Romanoff aren't you?"

" Maybe. Either that or I call Logan and ask him to come help out."

" Who's Logan?" Asks Tej

Hobbs steps up , pulling up a file on the screen in front of us .

" Logan Howelett aka the Wolverine. Mutant Class: feral. Over 200 years old due to his healing ability.  Bone claws coated in a highly sought after metal called adamantium. Can cut through anything. He's a great tracker and his sense of smell is better than a blood hounds. But he's a loose cannon." States Hobbs
I cross my arms and stare up at him as he continues. He pulls up another file .

" Natasha Romanoff . Aka the Black Widow. Former Russian assassin. She was turned by Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, to work for Shield. She's one of the best at subterfuge and getting in and out of places that normal people don't walk away from. If I had to choose between the two I'd go with her. She's slippery. He on the other hand is like a bull in a china cabinet. Messy and sloppy."

I shake my head. " You just don't like him cause he's my ex."
Hobbs face turns red with embarrassment . " No! That's not what I ...."

I pat his forearm and say " Your so cute when your jealous."
I take his tablet and begin looking through files . I stop when I see some one I didn't even realize was still alive. Interesting .

" I think I know who we need to help us." I turn the tablet to Hobbs and he shakes his head no.
" No way. She's crazy! Out of the question."

" She'll help us if nothing else to repay a debt to me. Get me in contact with her and I can guarantee she'll help."

" Who are we talking about?" Dom asks

" . Just who we need to pull this plan off. Make it happen Hobbs."

He sighs as he grabs his phone and starts making calls . I turn back to the team " I suggest you prepare yourselves . It's about to get weird ."

Authors note

Sorry for the long wait guys . But real world stuff happened and this is just a filler chapter to get the muse going again. Thanks for all the support!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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