10. Shaw

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Watching as Shaw's man goes in I look to Dom.
" So we're just going to let that crudmuffin go?"

Hobbs looks at me and says
" Well, Ms. Toretto the guy cut a deal. He give us Shaw for a reduced sentence. The British government agreed much to my disappointment."

I scoff as I turn and walk towards Tej.
He's leaning over the computer listening in to the police scanners . I wrap my arms around his waist and place my chin on his shoulder. He turns his head and looks at me.
" Thea ....... What're you doing?"

I smile at him and whisper
" do me a favor? Look to see if that big vein in Hobbs' forehead is pulsing."
He chuckles but looks over at Hobbs. Then turns back to his computer typing away.
" You trying to make the Hulk jealous? "
I laugh

" No making him regret being a total jackass to me."
The scanners go off and he looks at Hobb.
" Hey Hobbs your punching bag is going in."

Tej turns back to me and says " Look Thea....I don't know what happened after Rio but I can tell you've been hurt. If you wanna talk I'm here."

I smile at him and place a hand on his shoulder.
" I may take you up on that offer. When all this is over you wanna grab some drinks?"

He smiles leans towards me and kisses my cheek. His eyes flicker to my right and I know we have an audience. Then he says rather loudly
" it's a date."

I chuckle at him and turn back to the computer.
The punching bag starts shouting over the mic
" Shaw, Shaw, Shaw!"

The police move in but as they do a call comes over the radio that an alarm is going off at Interpol headquarters .

Brian and the team go deal with that while Hobbs, Dom and I stay to deal with Shaw. I notice that Riley had a smirk on her, face but quickly masks it when she notices I'm  watching.

We all watch as Shaw comes out in some kind of suped up race car and blows the pillars that's holding up the bridge the police are standing on.

I call emergency response and follow after Dom and Hobbs . Riley climbs into the truck with Hobbs and Dom climbs into his car .

I push my helmet on and throw my leg over my bike and crank it up. I look to my left to see Hobbs looking confused . I give him a salute and take off with Dom right behind me.

I weave in and out of traffic dodging the cars that Shake is flipping with his car.
I turn my bike sideways and slide  underneath a car that's leaning against another.

Coming out on the other side with Hobbs' truck plowing through the pile of destroyed cars. I go faster when I see that Shaw seems to be getting further away. My radio goes off when Han says their near Interpol.

I push the bike full out. Refusing to let him get away.
Brian comes over the radio and says " We're getting shot at! "

I hear guns shots close by and I get some interference with my radio.

" Shaw we have three cars tailing us."
He  responds
" You know what to do."

I break off from them and make my way to Tej, Brian , and Roman.

I burst from a side street just in time to notice Shaw's team fire some kind of gun that shoots hockey pucks? They adhere to the car
and begin to flash blue. I get the feeling that's not a good thing. I tell come over the radio and say

" Guys get to where I can shoot those things off of your cars!"

I gun my engine and shot off like a rocket. I pull out my gun and aim for Tej's car. It hits it and the device falls off .

I move onto Romans next . I have pull up beside him and shoot that one too.

" Sorry Buster! You'll have to dislodge it yourself!" 
He drifts close to a median pole and bumps it off.

Roman and Tej shout over the radio and the pursuit is back on. We come to a roundabout and meet up with Dom and Hobbs.

" Dom where you at?" Brian calls
" I'm right behind you!"

" Me too!" I call back.

" Thea get out of there!" Calls Hobbs I ignore him and continue on popping a wheelie.

Shaw leads us to a underground tunnel . The team weaves in between traffic. Cars honking their horns as we pass.

I notice Shaw takes a left and I follow after him with Dom right behind me.
We come out of the tunnel and Shaw weaves in between lights .

Dom and Hobbs try to box him in when another car comes out of no where and hits Dom's left side.

I look at him and realize it's Letty. He follows after her. I go after Shaw. I see Hobbs following on the ramp above us.

I'm shocked to see a body coming flying through the air and land on Shaw's car. Shaw swerves left and right and knocks Hobbs off. 
Hobbs pulls out his gun and fires off shots grazing my arm. Making me jerk and crash my bike. I lay there for a moment and just look up at the night sky.

" THEA!"
Hobbs comes to stand over me and tries to remove my helmet. Riley standing off to his left calling for an ambulance.
" Thea talk to me!!"
I push him away as I sit up removing my helmet.

"I'm alright it was just a graze."
I stand and limp to my bike and pick it up looking it over. Just some scrapes to the paint job.

" your done."

I look over at him
" Excuse me?"

" Go home Thea. I should have never brought you into this mess. Your a liability."

I throw my helmet down and walk up to him and punch him as hard as I can. He staggers for a moment but when he steadies himself and looks back at me his lip is bleeding .

" Go fuck your self Hobbs."
I put my helmet back on , and leave him behind. Good thing I threw a tracker on Shaw's  car huh? 😈

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