6. Dinner

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I tell Luke that I'll meet him at the resturant . He agrees only because he's here on business. Interesting.

I pull out that little black dress I had bought on a whim when I first got to Paris. It was exactly the type of dress I would have worn on our date a Giovanni's.

As I'm getting ready a text message dings on my phone.
I pull it open to find....

Dom: be careful..... the Hulk is up to something.

Me: Dom I know I had my assistant look into why he's here. I can't go into details over the phone but I'll contact you when I can. Love you. Give Brian,  and Mia my love.

I apply some lipstick and grab my clutch , and make my way to the restaurant.

Walking in I find Hobbs in
A black shirt and dress pants combo. And I must say he is stunning

When he sees me he smiles and walks towards me

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When he sees me he smiles and walks towards me.

" Thea you look beautiful."

I smirk at him
"you  clean up nice as well."

He holds out his arms and I take it , following the hostess to our table.

Luke holds out my chair , I take it and he helps push it in.

He takes his seat , then takes a look at his menu.

" So tell me how did you get a table here at Perle that takes six months too......."
My eyes widen when I realize that he knew exactly where I was.

" Don't be angry with me agelu." ( Angel)

" Angry is the last thing I'm feeling right now. Explain to me why your here. Now."

He sighs and rubs a hand on his jaw.
" Later , I want to leave work till later."

I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at him.
" I promise Thea. For now let's just enjoy ourselves."

I pick up my menu and tell him " Fine but I hope your wallet is deep cause I'm ordering the most expensive thing on the menu."

He shrugs giving me a debonair smile. Then purrs
" Anything for you agelu."

I rolls my eyes at his pet name for me and then ask.

" Ok so tell me something about yourself that I don't know already."

He smiles at me then intertwines his fingers and says
" I was married . We were married for five years before we had our daughter. Samantha.she's my pride and joy. She's nine now. Her mom passed when she was seven. Ovarian cancer. They found it to late. She had six months to live. I took a sabbatical and spent those six months doing any and everything she wanted to do . Rock climbing , sky diving, she got a full sleeve of tattoos of both arms. She was the love of my life. "

I clear my throat and am about to say something when our waiter comes and takes our order.

We order and we continue talking ignoring what he had told me.

Our food comes and we both dig in. I didn't realize how hungry I was.

" ok so I'm gonna ask you something and I want your honest answer. "

I had just taken a bite of food when he says this.
I finish chewing and then nod at him to continue.

Just as he opens his mouth his phone goes off and he sighs and says
" I'm sorry . I've got to take this."

I feel disappointment as he answers his phone knowing our evening had come to an end. I wave to the waiter and ask for the check.
When he comes back I listen to Hobbs talking to Owens from the sound of it.

" Owens find me a connection. I'll be back to the warehouse in an hour. Then we'll move. Yeah no I haven't asked her yet. Well you tell Duke to jump off a bridge. Yeah bye."

he hangs up I can see that he has turned into Agent Hobbs.

" So I guess this is the end to our evening?"

He sighs and reaches for my hand and says
" Not if you don't want it to be."

I feel a tingle go up my back at his words. I shake my head and stand.

" Why don't you tell me what's going on and I'll see if I can help?"

He sighs and places a few hundred dollars on the table and says.

" Thea , there's no easy way to say this but ......Letty's alive and she's working with a criminal by the name of Owen Shaw. We need your help to stop them."

Those words Letty's alive repeat over and over in my head.

" what? but how? She died in the explosion!!!"

He places his hands on my shoulders. Trying to calm me down.

" Thea breathe. We don't know but we need your help. Your teams help to stop them."

I look at him and ask
" was this before or after you asked me on a date?"

I feel betrayed and upset .

" Thea .....I ....." he can't answer me.

" Just don't. Pull out your cuffs and let's get this over with."

Hurt flashes across his face and he says
" I'm not going to arrest you. I'm asking for your help. If you and the team help us stop Shaw we're talking about full pardons."

I cross my arms and say
" Fine . Let's go then."

He sighs and leads me to his car.
" I'll drive myself. I've got to go get Thor."

He rubs his neck and I can tell he's embarrassed.
" I had Logan and Duke go get him. He's at our warehouse."

I feel my anger hitting dangerous levels. I turn and move to his car opening the door forcefully, getting in and then slamming the door. He makes his way around to the drivers side and gets in .

" For what it's worth I had a great time tonight. I'm just sorry that it had to end this way."  He says this as he starts the car. I just continue to look out my window and whisper

" yeah me too."

I stew in my hurt and disappointment until we make it back to the warehouse.Walking in I see his team throwing a ball for Thor.

I place two fingers in my mouth and let out a loud whistle .
Thor drops the ball and comes running to me.
I grab his harness and say
" Thor work."

He goes into active work mode and sits by me.
I feel the stares of the DSS team. I look up and say
" Anyone want to say something say it now. Cause I'm about thirty seconds from not listening to anyone's crap. "

They all refuse to meet my gaze and I scoff. I turn my  glare to Hobbs.

" You better have instructed these yahoos to have packed my clothes. Because I'm not doing anything until I get out of this dress and changed into comfortable clothes."

Logan steps forward and holds out a bag that looks familiar. I take it from him and ask.
" there a room that I can bunk down in?"

" You can take mine." Says Hobbs

I glare at him
" Polite pass."

" there's a spare room down the hall." Says Logan

I take my bag and command Thor to follow.
When I close the door I fall to the floor and cry.

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