26. Coma

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I don't remember much after I fall unconscious. Just voices talking to me and above me. Loud beeping that really gets on my nerves. Then one long droning beep.

Then the beeps start back up and someone saying
" We've got her back!"

I try to open my eyes ,move my arms and legs but they feel like dead weights are tied to them , dragging me down.
I feel someone close by, he takes my hand. What I can assume are tears fall onto my hand.
" I should've never let you go in there."
Some how I squeeze his hand. He freezes and asks
" Thea?"
I squeeze his hand again.
He pulls away from me and I fall into darkness as he shouts for the doctors.

The next time I rouse myself to consciousness, I'm able to open my eyes , to take in my surroundings. What I see shocks me. My team are all sprawled out around my hospital room. I smile as the nurse comes in. She just picks her way through the big men lying around and turns to look at me. Shocked .

" Good morning." I say to her.
She blinks then smiles back.
" well good morning to you as well. You had us all worried ."

I shrug
" that seems to come with the territory. So how long have I been out of it?"

She hesitates and says
" about a month."

My mouth drops open in shock and I look around at the men.
" and they've stayed all this time?"

She smiles.
" refused to leave in fact. Especially him."
She points to Hobbs and I smile at him sleeping on his arms , on my bed. Poor guy.
I lay a hand on his arm and gently shake him awake.

" Luke. Wake up."
When he does he slowly sits up and stretches.

" Rough night?" I ask

" Not so bad."

" Luke......"
When he finally looks at me he freezes. Then lunges towards me, cups my face and kisses me. It's a kiss of desperation and grounding.
To make sure I'm really here awake.

When we pull away we're breathing hard.
"I thought I lost you."
He whispers .

" I'm hard to kill Luke. I'm a Torretto."

" Not for much longer if I have any thing to say about it."
I look at him like this 😳.

I gulp saying
" we'll talk about this later."

" yes we will."

He stands and kicks Owens boot. " Hey you lazy baboons! She's awake."
They all jerk awake and look to see if he's telling the truth .
Then I'm swarmed . And it s the best feeling.

I refuse to stay a moment more in that hospital so with a promise from me and Luke also, I'm released from the hospital. It's gonna take me a little bit to get back in shape. But I know if Mr. Nobody, he's already got the best physical therapist ready for me .

I'm loaded into Hobbs' truck , trying not to wince at how sore I am. He catches it nonetheless.
" You ok?"
I look into his eyes and all the pain melts away at seeing this strong man worried about me.

" I will be once I'm in my own home."
He gives me a secret grin and I know he's up to something .

He closes the door and jogs to the drivers side. Jumping in he starts the behemoth and we're on our way.

Im in and out of consciousness , when we finally stop , I don't even notice where we are.
He picks me up and carries me to the door.

" Dad who's that?" A young voice asks.
" this is my coworker Thea. She's going to be staying with us for a while. Alright Jelly bean?"

" she's pretty."

Luke clears his throat then says " why don't you go pull back the covers in the guest room for me hmm?"

I hear running feet on hard wood flooring and a door opening further down the hall.

I snuggle closer into his arms and sigh in contentment.

" you keep doing that and I'm gonna take you down to the court house the first chance I get."

" I wouldn't mind."
I sleepily mumble to him.

He freezes then chuckles
" you have absolutely no idea what your saying do you?"

" mmmhmm."

He chuckles and moves . I'm placed on a cloud and I snuggle into the pillow.

" love you Luke."

I feel him looking down at me , then he places a kiss to my forehead.

" I love you too Thea Torretto."

I fall into the best sleep I've had in along time.

Authors note
Hello! It's been a little bit. Sorry for the short chapter but it's more of a filler to get the muse moving. I would love some comments about what you all think of the story so far. You can leave it here in the story or message me!! Leave me a vote as well. I'm very excited for where this story is going!!! Thanks

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