11. Game Plan

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I watched as Shaw went into his hide out . Placing a marker on my watch to come back to take this sucker down.

When I get back to base I see that Tej and Roman are arguing. Giselle and Han are laughing as they look over their car. I see that Brian is on the phone talking to Mia.
I turn to find Dom bleeding .

I walk over and take the medical tweezers from him. He grunts his teeth as I pull the bullet from his shoulder. .

I wince as I pull my arm back . He notices .
" What happened?" He growls at me. I take my jacket off and show him the graze.

" They shot at you?" I hear the anger in His tone I shake my head no.
" Friendly fire Dom."

The fire of anger ignites as he ties a bandage around my bicep.
" Well talk about this later." I whisper Just as Brian walks up to us .

" she definitely saw it was you?"
I hear the guilt in his tone.
" She looked dead at me Brian."
He says hurt. I sigh and place a hand on his shoulder

" Maybe the Letty we once knew is gone Dom."

Brian sighs
" Maybe she's alive but gone Dom."

I look at Brian and say
" You don't turn your back on family."
Dom smiles at me and continues my sentence.
" Even when they do."

We all grab some food from the broken vending machine and sit down to eat. Roman starts pointing out similarities to Shaw's team and us .
" Hey Brian? When did you do this photo shoot man?"
Brian laughs and gives him the bird.
" I'm just playing man. You the prettiest blonde I ever did see."
I roll my eyes at their antics . Thor at my feet suddenly goes on alert. In Drives Hobbs and Riley. They get
Out of the truck and make their way towards us.

" Alright lock it up! We got two things . First off this is the worst damn city in the world to commit a crime. They got cameras on every street corner. I got CCTV of the raid ." He hands a chip to Tej .
" Let's track that and see what we got. Secondly we just got confirmation on what Shaw's crew grabbed from Interpol. The ripped off the database of every location that houses the final component they need."

" So where are they at?" I ask
Riley smirks and says
" There are over two dozen of them around Europe."

" But the list is only good for 96 hours . Which means wherever Shaw's crew is going to hit next is going to happen within the next four days. We gotta move."
Hobbs continues

Dom looks at me and I nod my head .
" Hobbs is right. So let's breaks this down. You met them . What do we know?"

" We know they have to be running custom engines. You heard that flip car going through those gears." Tej says
" Sequential transmission." Comments Han

" But it didn't sound like a normal engine." Argues Gizelle

" That was a turbo diesel.like something you'd hear at Le Mans." I say

" You see it take all those hits and still stay flat in The corners?" Asks Tej

" Yeah hydraulics." Says Roman

" Or a magnetic suspension." Says Brian.
Very clever.

" Who not only has access to the components but can fabricate something like that?" Han inquires

" Maybe a handful of shops in London." Says Brian

" Regular tuner shops aren't going to cut it on this one. we're going to have to dig deeper than that." Grunts Dom

" Han, Gizelle, Thea, Roman your up. We find the guy who made that car, we find Shaw."

Gizelle cocks a gun and looks at Han.
" Let's go." She walks towards us and we make our way to the cars.

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