4. Its 3 am

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Heading back to the warehouse with every one , it's around 12:45. Everyone goes and finds a spot to sleep , not me. I tell Thor to go lay down as I get dressed for the gym.

Walking to my car , I see Dom and Brian talking.
They look over at me and I see confusion on Brain's face.

" Thea be careful. You poked the bear tonight." Says Dom.
I shrug as I stow my gym bag in my trunk.

" You know I have to go get a workout in before I go to bed. If I don't I'll be stiff in the morning." I say

He nods as I slip into the drivers seat.of my car.

Driving back to the gym I think over the events of tonight. How could I have done it differently? Did I make a mistake?"

I pull into the gym parking lot finding a space to park. I grab my bag from the trunk and head inside. I pull out a key ,that the owner Mario , gave me when I came here three years ago for rehab. I sent him a text earlier to let him know I'd be using the gym after hours for the next week.
"Sure chica, whatever you need." He sent back.
As I open the door I hear a repetitive thump coming from the gym.

My phone buzzes in my hand and I read the new message from Mario.

"Meant to tell you earlier . Cop paid to work out after hours as well.  Sorry." 

Great. Just great.

I walk into the gym to see none other than him. Hitting the punching bag.
I sigh and shake my head. I drop my bag . Moving towards the mats I sit down and stretch my right leg, going through the physical therapy exercises my Physical therapist gave me. I bend and reach for my foot, stretching. A pair of Nikes come into my field of vision. I ignore him and slowly sit up. I pull my left leg out and slowly try to reach for my left leg. I grunt when I can't , frustrated.

" you need some help?" He asks.
I finally lean back to look up at him and see.....just Luke. Not Agent Hobbs. I sigh , nodding my head. He sits down in front of me and gently takes a hold of my ankle and helps me begin to rotate it.

" you not going to ask why I'm here at three am?" I ask.
He shrugs as I lie back and raise my left leg stretching it in the air.

" You going to say anything at all?" I ask as I finish stretching and stand crossing my arms. This man makes me feel tiny compared to all the other men I know. I only come up to the middle of his chest.

When I finally met his eyes I see anger swirling around in those deep brown eyes. I shrug and move to the ring. Pulling off my oversized shirt I hang it over the ropes.  I look back at him . Seeing the anger still swirling around in his eyes, I call out to him.

" Why don't you get in the ring and spar with me?" I challenge.
He crosses his arms over his impeccable chest . I can't help but stare at all those rippling muscles on display for my viewing pleasure.

" I don't think that's a good idea...." He states

I smile at him.
" Some of the best ideas never are." I retort back.
He just stares at me for a few minutes then smirks. Shrugging those impressive shoulders, climbs into the ring and takes up a defensive position.

I smirk at him as I take up a offensive position.
We circle each other , until we've done two full circles.
I decide enough is enough and I lunge at him. (Now
My dear reader you have to understand, I am a five foot three inch, curvy woman. I'm built solid. But when I throw a round house kick at him. He simply grabs my leg in an impossible grip to break out of........ and is smug about it.)

" You know there are better ways for you to get my attention." He smirks as he looms over me.

I smile a Cheshire cat grin. I rotate my hips and use the momentum to roll with him. With me ending up on top. I stare down at him and say
" yes there are but this is more fun."

He smiles back
" Is that right?" He asks
I smile at him not realizing I've just set my self up.
Until it's to late.

He rolls us, faster than I expect. One minute I'm looking down at him the next I'm looking up into his laughing face.

I pull my wrist to test how good of a hold he has. Let's just say .......I'm not getting out until he says so.

" Tell me something Thea. Why come here at all? Why leave a successful career as the top lawyer in Chicago to come help your brother take down a dirty crook?"

I sigh and whisper
" Because all I have is family. My life has been lived by one Moto for as long as I could remember.
Ride or Die. I nearly did die and I came to the realization that I needed to help in other ways . Just in case my family got in way over their heads. Living in the fast lane eventually catches up with you. So I left and haven't looked back till six months ago when I got a call from Dom about Hernan Reyes."

His eyes widen at that name.
" He's going after the kingpin of Brazil? Why?"

I shrug
" Dom has his reasons but they are his to tell. All I know is that something bad happened and Dom wants revenge the only way he knows how to get it. The Toretto way. By taking what matters most to him. His blood money."

Hobbs climbs off of me . Crossing his arms and staring down at me.

" What do you mean blood money?"

I stand and wince when I feel my hip lock up nearly sending me crashing back to the floor.
He catches me before I fall and our faces are so close together we're sharing the same air.

" you want to know the truth? Ask Elena. She knows more than what she told you."

I go to pull away he tightens his hold. I tense as I look back up into his eyes. Then back to his sensuous lips.

I decide to take that step. I press my lips to his and kiss him with all I am.

He groans as our mouths begin the dance as old as time. We give and take from each other until we're both breathless.

I finally pull back leaning my head against his chest.
He whispers into my hair
" why did I have to meet you now? Why not when I was in Chicago a few months ago?"

I chuckle as I pull away from him and say
" Life brings you, what you need when you least expect it."

He smiles as I pull away
and begin to walk towards the exit.

" Thea?"

I look back at him . He's standing with his arms leaning. Against the ropes watching me.

" yeah?"

He just stares at me for a few moments the. Asks
" I'll be home for leave for a few weeks after this mission. Meet me at Giovanni's on 5th and main a month from now  on July 10th at 8:30. Wear something show stopping. "

I shrug and walk away saying over my shoulder.
" It's a date."

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