18. Mission

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I don't sleep that night. I refuse to eat anything . Mia tries to come in to my room but I ask her to leave me along. Dom pokes his head in later on.

" Do I need to go kick his ass?"
I sigh and roll over facing the wall. " Let it be Dom. Just let it be.I'll handle this on my own."
Before he leaves he says something that sticks with me. " But you don't have too Thea. You got us. You got family."

I think about those words long into the early hours of the morning.
When my alarm goes off around 3am ,I grab my suitcase and head down stairs. I have my gym bag with a change of clothes and my toiletries set aside so I can get to work and put in a workout before we have to go. I see Dom sitting in his recliner drinking a corona. He looks up when I come down the stairs , getting up to help me to my car.

Once my bags are in the trunk he turns and pulls me into a hug. 
" Don't let Hobbs push you around Thea. He's all bark and no bite. Don't let his words get to you."

I blink back tears and say
" I don't think we can go back to the way things were in Rio, Dom. One of us is going to have to give, and I know for a fact it's not going to be him."

" He's a good man Thea. He's ego is bruised but I saw the way he looked at you when he thought you were hurt, he may not act like it but he cares."

I snort a laugh and pull away
" yeah ok. I've got to go Dom, I want to get a work out in before we leave."

I move around to my car but before I get in I look back at my big brother.
" Love you Dom. See you when I see you."

"Love you to T. Be careful."
I nod as I climb in and drive away.
When I get to work there isn't any cars in the parking lot. So I grab my stuff and head in. Ready to let some tension go. What I don't expect to see is Hobbs at his desk going over paper work. I freeze . Trying to decide if I can sneak past.
I lift my chin as I stride forward placing my stuff down at my desk and move quickly down the hallway.

" Thea?"
I ignore him. I am in no mood to deal with his crap right now.
I burst through the gym and throw my stuff down on the first bench I see. I pull off my shirt and sweats. Standing in nothing but my bikini I move through the double doors , walk to the edge of the pool and  dive in.

I swim to the other side and come up for air. Then dive again and swim back and forth. I love swimming beneath the water. Every sound is drowned out and it's so peaceful . I get to the middle of the pool and just let myself float up. I stay like that for a few minutes until I hear . A splash. Strong arms band around my waist and I jerk away from them.
I splutter and spit water and come face to face with a frantic looking Hobbs.

" Hobbs what in the hell is wrong with you!" I shove against his chest. He looks over my face and I see real fear on his face.

" I thought you'd hit your head and passed out."

I just stare at him for a few moments then push away
" I'm fine. I like to float and watch the water ripple. It's calming."
He pulls me back towards him and I don't fight against him. My hands are on his chest and I feel how quickly his heart is racing.

" Thea....."
I look up into his brown eyes and see that he was really worried.
"I'm fine Hobbs." I go to pull away again but he brings a hand up to my face cupping my cheek.
When I meet his eyes again I see something that starts sending red flags up in the back of my mind. He slowly leans in ..... and I clear my throat as I push away from him.
I look over at the clock on the wall and see that it's 4:30. I swim to the edge of the pool and pull myself out. I walk to the towels that are in the clean hamper and pull one out. Wrapping it around me.

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