7. Warning

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I refuse to come out that night . No matter how many of his team come  and knock on my door to try to coax me out of my commandeered haven.
He even has the audacity to try to come in the room and talk to me. But I had Thor put a stop to that real quick.
It's around midnight when I hear them start to bed down for the night. I look over at Thor to see him fast asleep sprawled out on the bed.
I smile as I close the door and make my way towards the kitchen to grab something to eat.
I open the fridge and find leftovers for ham sandwiches. Pull everything out and begin to make my supper. I hear the sounds of feet hitting the concrete floor and make their way towards me. I look over my shoulder to find Duke standing at the counter in nothing but sweats. I roll my eyes as I turn back to my food and wait for him to try to make an excuse for Hobbs.

" Look Thea, I know your angry, but we didn't have any choice in getting your team back together. Hobbs' hands are tied. He's doing the best he can with the resources and the people available to him. So if your going to act like a petulant little brat who didn't get her way then let me set you straight......."

He moves around the counter and into my personal space . Takes the plate of food from my hand and places it on the counter. Then leans down into my face and says through gritted teeth.

" Stop stringing him along. That man has been on edge ever since Rio. He cares about you. Either cut ties with your family for good and be with him .... Or disappear without a trace never contacting him again. He deserves someone who will be there for him no matter what."  He pushes away from me and lumbers back down the hallway.

I grab my food and proceed back to my room. Passing a sleepy eyed Logan on my way.

" don't listen to Duke. He's just cranky cause Hobbs is happy. The guy has a jealous streak a mile wide."

I look at him
" I never lead him on. He knew in the beginning that we are to different for it to go any where ."

He smiles at me and says
" I'm going to tell you something that my grandmama told me along time ago. The heart wants what it wants. No matter the color of your skin, or who your family is. It knows when it has met its other half."

I blink back tears and turn back to wards my room.

" Thea , if you want to be with Hobbs then you will find a way." He whispers before I close the door to my room.

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