13. Captured

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I make my way back into the warehouse to find the team back and talking about Brian going to visit Braga.
" you can't." I say as I walk in .

" Where have you been?" He asks
I wave a hand at him.
" Doesn't matter right now the point is if you go visit Braga you are t coming back. You'll be handing yourself over on a silver platter."

" Your wanted Brian. The moment you step off that plane, it's a wrap."
Says Roman.
" How's he going to get back into the country."
Asks Tej
" Don't you worry about it. This is on me."

He and Dom look at each other. He whispers
" I'm the one who served her up to Braga . I'm the one who gets to make it right. Let me make it right."
Dom sighs and says
" Be careful."

My phone vibrates and I look to see I got a text From Ollie that he and his team have arrived and are protecting Mia and Jack.
It even includes a picture of Mia helping Jack walk across the grass.

I sigh  deciding to tell them what I can. To protect my family.
" Brian  that won't be necessary  . I have contacts in the FBI and apparently Braga has been bragging about some Mexican chick getting what she deserves. Along with her cop handler."

Everyone looks at me and says
" What?"
I rub my forehead and say
" I'll explain later but right now I need you to listen to me. "
Brian and Dom cross their arms and say
" Go ahead ." Dom says

I pace and say
" My contact is in charge of Braga's security. I've been keeping a close eye on him. He has been very loose with his words recently talking about how an associate of his is going to take down the blonde Ken doll  that put him in prison."

" And your just now coming forward to tell us? Why?"  He exclaims
I shake my head as I sigh
" I can't explain but know that I'm on your side. I always have been. You all are my ride or die."

Dom steps forward and placed a hand on my shoulder  " This have anything to do with you disappearing for three months after you got to Paris?" 

I look up at my big brother and say
" Yes."
He stares into my eyes and says
" Alright Thea. I'm guessing you can't go into to much detail but explain what you can."

So I do telling them everything that I'm permitted to.
" I'm was approached by an organization after our Rio job. They were impressed with me . Especially with my disability. So they trained me and Thor. I've been working for them since then. Consulting on most jobs until Shaw landed on my desk. I knew sooner or later Hobbs would go after him so I bided my time. And I was right . He came for me so he could get to you all. And I let him play me...."

" while you were playing him." Finishes Tej.
I nod my head and say
" Pretty much. But he's got a mole on his team and my guess is it's Riley. Shaw has known our every move since we got here. And I've been studying this man for months . He is going to hit us where it hurts . Our weaknesses. He's going to go after our loved ones. "
I look to Dom and Brian.
" Mia and Jack." Says Roman.
" Precisely."
Brian starts to move to the cars.
" Brian you can't tip him off." I say as I run after him.
" So I'm just suppose to sacrifice Mia and Jack!"

I grab his shoulders and say
" You've got to trust me Brian. I'm already ten steps ahead of Shaw. I've got people in place right now protecting them. They are the best of the best. Look."

I hand him my phone and let him read the last few messages. He stops when he sees the picture of Mia and Jack . He looks back up and hands me my phone.

" Ok. So what's the plan?" Asks Gizelle.
I look back at them and say
" I get captured."

Shouts go up all around and I put my fingers in my mouth and whistle. It quiets down.
" look I don't have a lot of time to go over it with you . Hobbs and Riley will be back in about fifteen minutes. And I do not want them to know what's going on."

" ok , but seriously your going to let yourself get captured? That's messed up." Han says
I shrug and say
" I have a back plan, of a back up plan, of a back up plan if this goes side ways."

Jaws drop

" Dom your going to go to the races tonight . I have intel that Letty is going to be there. Try to get her alone if you can. While your doing that I am going to go to Shaw's hideout. The rest of you March to Hobbs' drum. Do not let him or his team in on what's going on."

I walk to my Cuda and get in. I look at my family and say 
" Remember don't let on that you know that Shaw is going to go after Mia and Jack. Act angry Brian. Dom bring Letty home."
I drive off  heading to Shaw's hideout. I don't even try to act subtle. I pull right in and get out. Guns aim my way . I ignore them.

" Hello Shaw."
He looks over his shoulder at me and smirks .
" Stupid of you to come here Thea."
I shrug placing my. Hands on my hips.
" You know I put a tracker on your vehicle during that chase a few days ago."

He turns and leans against the table , arms crossed looking confident.
" Oh did you now? And why now are you coming to confront me?"

I shrug and move closer .
" Because I wanted to get you alone to talk ."

He smiles at me
" You always did have a flare for the dramatics. "

I roll my eyes at him.
" Cut the crap Owen. You know why I'm here."

He reaches out and pulls me into his arms.
" Yeah I know why your here. But do you?"

He kisses me and I let him.
( Hey! Cool your jets dear reader! All apart of the plan)

When he pulls back and smiles down at me.
" You always did know how to keep me interested Love."

I pull away from him and say " all apart of the Game Owen."

I pull out cuffs and move to cuff him only to be hit in the head from behind.
" nothing personal Love. It's just business."

Blackness consumes me and be fore it does I smile internally at how the plan is going.

Authors note

So quick note. Thea has been chasing Shaw for a while now. She realized that eventually his file would land on Hobbs' desk. So she played it cool until he came to Paris to ask for her help. She works for Mr. Nobody and has been trying to take down Owen and Deckard Shaw. But her and Owen have a past. That's how she knows how he'll work. She's seen it first hand. They met when she was recovering from her accident. He was on business in LA and just happened to see her in a coffee shop. Yeah I know cheeses but it works. Let's see how this plays out . I did take some creative liberty here so tell me what you all think.

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