3. Races

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I walk in to see every one around looking over some blue prints.

"this is where he's keeping the money ,the vault in the evidence room." Says Brian. I come and stand next to Dom. Looking at the blue prints. I wince how this mission went from possible to impossible.

"Um uh yeah, can I get everyone's attention right here for a second." We all look at Tej.

" We are talking about breaking into a POLICE station. Is anyone listening to these words? Anybody?Po-po, five-o, one time, pigs? People we don't like." I chuckle at him.
I see Dom smiling out of my peripheral.

Han speaks up " You know police stations are designed to keep people in, not out."

" It's why it's a stealth mission.We'll be in and out before they even know we're there" Says Brian.

" Well we'll need to get eyes in there. At least find out the make and model of that vault." Dom comments

" So the vault...hmm... this is crazy." Mumbles Roman
" who's suppose to do all this." He continues.
I can't help but smirk when everyone looks at him.

" Wha-what do ya mean? Why me?" He stuttters. I can't help but chuckle beneath my breath.

" cause you got the biggest mouth." Snarks Brian. I burst into laughter. And shake my head.

" That's for sure." Says Tej.

While Roman is off trying to get us an eye into the evidence room. I make myself useful and sneak back over to where the DSS had found the 1965 Ford GT40 that Brian and Dom tore apart looking for the chip.

I knew how valuable that chip was. It also showed all of Reyes off shore accounts , in the Cayman Islands ,deeper in the code.

" Do we have eyes on Toretto?" Hobbs asks

" Some people would find it a little bit .....obsessive, with how determined you are to get my family behind bars." I say as I and Thor walk towards him.

Six guns are pointing at me, but I ignore them. Walking right up to Hobbs.

" Real Dumb, coming here Thea." He says as he pulls out his hand cuffs.
I chuckle then ask

" You honestly think you have anything on my to put those silver bracelets on my wrists?" I tilt my head to the side. Looking up at this beautiful man.

" Boss..."
He holds up a hand to silence his team mate.

" What's your game Thea? Why come here?"

I shrug as I lean back against the truck. Tucking my arms behind me.
Thor rubs against my legs to steady me.

Hobbs watches Thor for a few seconds then looks back up at me. In that amount of time I notice something about this team.
They have each other's back.
I look around at each one.

" May I be Blunt with you Hobbs?"
Shock registers around the room.

" Oh please , go ahead and incriminate yourself." He snarks as he crosses his arms
I shrug and say

" I know about each and every one of you. Owens is a golden boy from the great state of Texas. Trying to help his parents pay off their cattle farm. Played high school foot ball, and some college till he tore his ACL in his right knee during a game with UCLA.
James is engaged to his high school sweet heart, Monica isn't it? Suppose to be getting married in about six months. But he wants to elope. Due to his  future mother in law being a busy body and pressuring Them both to move closer to her.

Then we have the tech guru of your team. Logan. Could give Tej a run for his money on how fast he breaks code and writes it. He is also the only one in his family that chose to be a police officer.  Due to the fact that on career day in the eleventh grade an officer came and spoke to his class. Man was determined to be come the best of the best.Everyone else  in his family are lawyers, doctors, or surgeons. Then you have your weapons expert Duke.
He can take apart a reassemble a AR-15 in under a minute.  He actually still holds the fastest time at the FBI academy. He also can disarm a landline with a paper clip , some chewing gum, and a Swiss Army knife. Learned that one from Macgyver. Didn't you?"

" You learned that from Macgyver?! You told me that it just came to you!!!!" Exclaims Owens

" Dude not the time."Duke says  from the side of his mouth keeping me in his sights. I continue walking around the room.

" Then we have Elena. Brazilian Police officer that joined up because her husband was killed in the favelas.you chose her to be your liaison because she's the only cop here in Brazil that can't be bought. And that leaves you Luke Hobbs." I look at him to see his eyes tracking me as I move....Watching me like a Hawk.
" You....."
their moniters start going off
Alerting to my teams movements.

" Hobbs we got a hit!! Toretto is moving!"  Says Logan.  I smile and whistle at Thor.

" I'll be seeing you real soon." I say over my shoulder as I walk out of the warehouse. Getting into my blue 1970 Dodge Charger.

I smile as I see them all rush out of the warehouse heading towards the races

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I smile as I see them all rush out of the warehouse heading towards the races. I blow Hobbs a kiss as they pass by me.
Oh boy you are in for it .

I head to the races, getting there before Hobbs and his team. Parking beside Dom and Brian's cars, I had just leaned against the hood of my car, when The DSS vehicle comes skidding to a stop. Hobbs jumps out and stomps toward us. He and I make eye contact , then he screams out.

" Toretto!..." he comes and stands before us.
" Your under arrest." His team cocks their guns and raise them at us.
I smirk and slide from the Hood of my car.
I go stand next to Dom , crossing my arms.

" On what grounds DSS Agent Hobbs?"  I ask as I stand between them.

" Murder, extortion, theft."

I shrug and say
" Circumstantial." I smirk as his eyes widen, when he finally realizes what I'd been doing with my free time for the last few years. 
" My clients, didn't kill those agents on the train."

" No but they did steal those cars." I shrug

" You can't prove that they did or didn't. Besides your forgetting something ...We're in Brazil!!!!"
I raise my arms indicating to the racers to raise their guns.
He steps towards me. And gets nose to nose.

" This is how your gonna play it?"  He Asks I lean just a fraction of an inch closer so our noses actually touch.

" Face it Hobbs, your out gunned right now. Do the smart thing and walk away." I whisper.
Owens steps up beside him and says

" Come on Boss that's a lot of heat. Like the lady said another time."

He and I just stare at each other , I refuse to break eye contact.

" You know your name will be on my desk by morning. You go down this path you'll be rotting in a cell next to your brother."
I shrug

" Life comes with consequences. Each decision you make has an out come. My out come is based on what you'll do next Luke Hobbs. Each move you make, each plan you try to make just know I'm five steps ahead of you."

He smirks and steps back.
Looks over my shoulder at Dom.
"I'm coming for you Toretto." 

He and his team get into their vehicles and drive away.
" So, councilor want to tell me what that was all about?"
I chuckle at Dom.

" That my dear brother was a challenge thrown down for Agent Hobbs. Let's see if he decides to play."

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