2: Who Are You?

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"Well I'll be fucking damned.". 

Dabi kept his eye on the news. He checked it constantly, waiting for the moment the body was discovered, hoping it would give him a clue. Any clue.

Sure enough two days later a hiker discovered the charred remains of the car and notified police. They swarmed the park and it didn't take them long to find the man's body.

His name was Ono Amida and he was 46 years old. He worked, as the mystery villain had said, as a hero coordinator.

Dabi was anxious and impatient as he read, wondering when a name would come up. Who was being charged with his murder?

But he was confused when he read they had already made an arrest because the woman who had been put away for the crime looking nothing like the beautiful killer.

She was in fact the head of the hero agency he worked for, Fire Fight.

They saw the charred car and realized pretty quickly it had been burned almost all at once, not eaten away slowly from a singular match point. No accelerator had been used either.

Dabi read on, scrolling furiously with his brow furrowed.

'Fire Fight was charged with not only the murder of her subordinate but with several counts of sexual assault from agency staff who came forward after the arrest. As the case continues to unfold more and more charges of things like misuse of a hero license and undue damage to personal property in a non emergency are being brought up. The list seems to be longer than those who knew Fire Fight as the smiling 70th placed pro hero. could have ever predicted with sexual assault making its way onto the list just this morning.'.

The villain was astonished. 'Well fuck me.', He thought.

Ono hadn't been the target at all. The murder had never 'gone wrong' as Dabi had assumed after looking at the car burning and lazy hiding place for the body.

The mystery villain had used Ono and Dabi to frame Fire Fight for murder, bringing up all these other charges in the process.

Who knows if Ono was actually guilty of doing some awful stuff himself like the villain had said, it didn't matter now. He was dead anyways.

He had been used. Completely. The nameless killer had used his quirk to get what he wanted-his real target. 

But fuck if that wasn't hot. 

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"Hajime's coming, I promise." Suzuki said. Ueda huffed.

"I hope he is." The student sighed. "This stuff makes no sense to me. He's always been great at the chemistry part.".

"He's great at all the parts." Suzuki said, sipping her latte. "Seriously sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be in the program. Just looking at him makes me feel inferior.".

"That's sounds kind of mean." Ueda countered. Suzuki smiled.

"Alright, I shouldn't be rude. He's a person too, he's just a perfect person.".

The bell that signaled the opening of the cafe's door and there was a small 'oop' before the whole café turned right as the student in question fell into someone, barely not knocking over their ridiculously sugary looking iced drink.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Hajime squeaked. The person looked annoyed, incredibly so. Then they looked at Hajime and softened.

He was a vision, honestly. Soft pink hair and big red eyes. So wide and innocent, sparkling with life. It was a shame they were hidden behind big brassy coloured wire frame glasses. His bangs covered them most of the time too.

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