3: No Regrets

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As Tomoya was waiting for his next target to finish dying his thoughts drifted to Dabi. He hadn't thought much about the league at all before. But now he was curious.

He didn't interact with most of the underworld. He didn't interact with many people period.

If he had to describe himself he'd be someone between a hermit and a workaholic. He had a lot going on, what with the murder and school. Med school was not easy.

He wondered absentmindedly if the body had been found. He didn't look at the news much. Most of the time he made his murders look like suicide or accidents.

This one was meant to look like a murder. It had all the trappings. A defaced corpse dumped in a pier, a torched car and a messed up apartment.

He had tried his best. After all, the person he was trying to frame would be really hard to...well, frame. Fire Fight was a pro hero after all. But she needed to go.

Ono, the hero coordinator he killed, really had done what he had told Dabi he did. That just wasn't really the reason he had to be killed off.

"P-please!" The man on the floor gasped, grabbing at his neck despite there not being a hand there at all. He only felt like he was choking. Probably because his throat was swelling.

Tomoya's phone buzzed. He checked it eagerly. He sighed when he saw it was a notification for his group project and not a text from Dabi.

"Okay, you were-or are, since you're still kicking-married, right?" He asked the gasping man. "How soon is too soon to text someone? I texted him first, but he hasn't responded. Should I text him again or just delete his number?".

The man just wheezed in response before his body went rigid. Tomoya sighed.

"Well you were no help at all.".

He slipped his gloves back on and responded to the question in the group project chat. He was known as the nerd. Quiet and soft looking. Inoffensive and shy. So the overly polite and perfectly correct answer he had given his classmate was just expected. 

Maybe that was why he liked Dabi. Because he didn't have to restrain himself. Dabi was an asshole and constantly smelled like a mixture between a bonfire and a cigarette, but there was an appeal to him. 

There was no such thing as too much of a good thing to Tomoya.

 In his opinion he had been denied nice things for far too long. He had gone through an entire undergraduate degree, gotten into medical school and still had a good long while ahead of him before he really became a doctor. 

If he could have things that made waiting that time out easier, why not have them? 

"I'm going to wait for him to text first." He announced as he stepped out of the train station bathroom, leaving the dead body behind him. 

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"What? A tiny bit of murder never hurt anybody!" Dabi defended. Magne gave him an unimpressed look.

"This is a really bad idea, you know that right?" She said rhetorically. Well, the comment was rhetorical to her, she knew it was a bad idea. Touya had no fucking clue, apparently.

"But he's soooo hot."

"You've barely seen his face! You did once and it was dark as fuck! Plus it sounds like he has a bad attitude."

"He could have the world's worst attitude and he'd be hot with just his eyes and that body alone."

"Which body? His or the one he was dumping in the fucking water?!" Magne asked, "Because apparently you're gonna have to specify!".

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