22: Curtains Open

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"Lets play 20 questions." Dabi said overenthusiastically. 

"Lets let go of me." Tomoya shot back. He didn't really want to tolerate the back hug he was trapped in while he made breakfast. 

It was different. Something was definitely different. Firstly, Tomoya had overslept. That never happened. Next, he had checked the clock, realized he had slept through his morning class and felt...nothing. Usually he panicked if he thought he would be five minutes late but the class had ended by now and he wasn't bothered. He could take a day off. 

Dabi hadn't left either, but he wasn't mad. In fact, he was kind of enjoying making breakfast while talking to him. 

Except you know, the fact he couldn't crack the eggs with Dabi trying to hold his hands. 

"Alright alright I get it." The villain pouted as Tomoya smacked his hands away. He proceeded to sit down at the kitchen island, spinning on the stool. 

"Okay, question one: do you have parents? Like ones you've ever interacted with, biological or otherwise?". 

Tomoya glared at him. "You're not very subtle." He remarked, waiting for the eggs to fry. 

"Never said I was. Answer the question baby.". 

Sighing, Tomoya considered his options. He could lie, he could refuse to answer or he could answer truthfully. Normally he would just lie, it was the obvious choice. What would he say? 

Maybe that he was adopted as a child, that he was 9 like Hina had been. That his parents lived back in Akita. Maybe he called them regularly. They were the ones paying for his nice apartment, they bought him the car and were paying for groceries so he didn't have to work through med school. 

But not answering was less painful than creating a pretend world where things weren't as fucked up as they were. 

"Come on, not the silent treatment." The villain whined. "Okay, next question, how do you afford all of this? The nice apartment, the luxury sports car, all this shit.". 

So Dabi already thought it was his parents paying for things. He supposed that since the villain himself came from a wealthy background that would be his assumption. 

Tomoya decided to answer honestly, sighing to himself as he put the fried eggs on top of two bowls of rice and seasoning. 

"The car was a gift. The money to pay for everything else was also a gift, but my tuition is payed by the university." He explained. 

"A gift? Is there a sugar daddy or mommy I didn't know about?" The villain pressed, gladly excepting the breakfast. 

Tomoya sat down on the stool next to Dabi and took a bite instead of answering. He broke the yolk and stirred it around. 

"You're one tough nut to crack." Dabi pouted. "What if I told you something about myself? Wait, you kinda know everything already.". 

"That's an exaggeration." Tomoya mumbled. 

"It really isn't.". 

"I think you'll find it is.". 

"But you already know my name. Once you know that, the cat's kinda out of the bag.". 

Dabi smirked as Tomoya froze for less than a millisecond before continuing his breakfast. Most people wouldn't have noticed it, but he had seen the student often enough to be able to tell when he was caught. 

"You talk in your sleep, its adorable." The villain continued. "You have to sleep in more often. How long have you known?". 

"I'm interning at Endeavor's Agency." Tomoya explained, "I was invited over to his house for dinner after the meta-liberation front fought and saw a photo. I figured it out then.". 

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