14: Give Me A Chance

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"Welcome to the Endeavor hero agency!" A cheerful woman with flames for hair said with a smile. "I'm Ishida Sachiko, the resident nurse. This is my co-worker Dr. Kato Chinami.". 

She was quite the character. None of her body hair was actually hair, even her eyelashes were bright orange flames. On the other hand Dr. Kato's long hair flowed like water, casting a water-like reflection on the ceiling from the room's lighting. 

"Its good to meet you both." Tomoya said, bowing. "I'm grateful for the opportunity.". 

"Ooh, that professor was right, you're just the sweetest thing!" Nurse Ishida said with a wide smile, "No need to be so formal though. Since its just the two of us we're pretty close, you don't need to be as 'professional' as you think.". 

"But you're both older and have much more experience than me-" Tomoya started. Dr. Kato waved him off. 

"You'll find that in hero wards and agencies all over Japan medical staff are more relaxed. We're often the first to respond to medical emergencies in our area, whether they're our heroes or not. That high stress a job breeds comradery." She explained with her own softer smile. 

"Alright then." Tomoya replied shyly. "I hope we can all get along.". 

Nurse Ishida cheered. "Now that that's out of the way, let me give you the run down of how this place works. We're like a walk in clinic for heroes on duty. They come to us just to ask for band aids, or if they've dislocated a rib. We get a range of problems. Here though its mostly burns.". 

She opened the doors behind her that had a sign reading 'Medical' over them. Inside appeared to be a small waiting room. 

"To the right is the office, where we spend most of our time. If someone need's attention they ring that bell over there." Dr. Kato gestured to the bright red device. Tomoya nodded. 

"And to the left is the treatment rooms. There's four in total, each one has two cots in it. I'll show you where everything is in the drawers later, most of your job will be handing us stuff anyways." Nurse Ishida continued, leading him into one of the rooms so he could get a feel for the place. It reminded him of a more modern version of the U.A infirmary he had spoken to Recovery Girl in. He wondered if that was because Endeavor had gone to U.A. People did say he had control over each and every aspect of the agency's design. 

"There are just over 30 pros here, not including Endeavor himself, but you don't have to worry about him anyways." Dr. Kato said as she led him to the office. 

"Why?" Tomoya asked, tilting his head to the side. 

"Endeavor doesn't trust anyone but Kato with his treatment, unless he's in the hospital." Nurse Ishida explained, "So you wont deal with him directly. Sorry if you were excited for that.". 

Fuck. Well that was a huge disappointment. 

"No, it doesn't matter who I treat." Tomoya said with an angelic smile, "As long as I can help you two out, it doesn't matter who it is.". 

"Aw Hajime you really are an angel!" Nurse Ishida cooed, "You'll be an excellent doctor some day, I can just tell. The type the patients love!". 

That genuinely flattered Tomoya. He prided himself of his abilities and manners. The light blush colouring his cheeks wasn't acting in the least this time. 

"Oh, this is your desk by the way, feel free to decorate it as you please." The nurse said, gesturing to the third desk in the small office. It was completely void of anything except a desk top computer. Tomoya was already wondering what sort of cute stationary he could bring in. He'd have to buy more. 

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