31: We Have Far To Go

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"I have to leave for school soon." Tomoya mumbled. Touya just sighed heavily. 

"Can't you just not go today?" He asked, "We hardly ever get to spend time together.". 

"Touya we live together.". 

"That's beside the point! When was the last time we actually looked at each other?". 

"3.5 seconds ago." 

Touya sighed dramatically again and rolled his eyes. "You always have your head in a textbook." He complained. 

"You wanted to understand the reality of my life." Tomoya replied, "This is the reality. I spend most of my free time studying.". 

"Boring.". Tomoya rolled his eyes this time. "When do we get to do the villain stuff?". 

"We don't. I thought we were done with that?" The pink haired man said, confused. He stood up and took the textbook he had been reading with him, packing it in his backpack and gathering his stuff together. 

"Well, the battle's still going on in Jaku city, its pretty much the apocalypse over there." Touya groaned, "And here you are, not taking advantage of the chaos, and going to class. What are you, on a sabbatical?". He shot Tomoya a disgusted face. 

"What would I even do with said chaos?" The man asked, "I'm not longer going to kill people, and I didn't kill indiscriminately anyways.". 

Touya gave him a 'look'. "Can you really not think of a single crime besides murder?". Tomoya's silence said it all. "You could commit arson, steal things, spook people, the list goes on.". 

"Well right now I just need to get to class." Tomoya replied, seamlessly opening and closing the door behind him. He had managed to get everything together and get his shoes on while Touya was complaining. 

"Fine, I'll have fun on my own.". 

He had actually gotten that quirked-up ring from that weird dude he met in a back alley on day. When he had it on, his scars were gone. That changed his appearance enough to go outside now, and even if it didn't the fact he had stopped dying his hair helped. 

The white was starting to peak through at the roots. He didn't really know how to feel about it. 

At one point he had despised the colour. He thought it made him weak, like his mother. Everything Enji didn't want him to be. 

Then he realized he'd rather distance himself from the bastard as much as possible. 

Sighing, Touya decides to just go out on his own and not bother trying to pry Tomoya from his beloved school work. 

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Tomoya was struggling a little bit with adjusting to life without his...hobby? That sounded awful but it was the most accurate description of what sort of space it filled in his life. 

He didn't have to research anymore and didn't have to leave the house to kill his targets. Without something filling the time that soaked up he had been studying a lot. 

Although, walking out of that human anatomy test he was glad for the extra time. He had finished quickly and knew he was getting a good score. 

But he was also realizing that he was getting a little burnt out. It wasn't just the past two weeks of studying too hard, it was probably years of working too hard and part time murdering. That break at the safehouse had been nice, but overshadowed by all the trauma his discussion with Touya and the fact Natsuo kind of knew everything now. 

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