12: To Your Side

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"Overactive neurons in the frontal lobe are a sign of...." 

The professor droned on and on. Tomoya was starting to get a little bored, which barely ever happened. Medicine was his passion, so it was rare a topic bored him, but recently his life had been so much more exciting than this class. 

Plus professor Yasu loved to just talk and talk about things that were completely unrelated. 

"Oh my god." "Can you believe it? At least Endeavor and Hawks are there.". 

Tomoya perked up when he heard his classmate's whispers. What was going on? 

"The building's being destroyed and no one's gotten inside yet. There could be people in there!" One of them continued. 

The student pulled out his phone and searched for 'Hawks and Endeavor'. 

He knew Dabi and the league would make their move, but for it to be so soon...he hadn't anticipated that. 

Apparently a nomu had attacked the heroes out of the blue and then gone on a rampage. The situation had only broken out 12 minutes before, according to the live feed. Tomoya checked the time, class ended in a few minutes. 

Suzuki, one of his 'friends' who really just used him as a study tool, was sitting next to him. Quickly Tomoya tapped her shoulder. 

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Class is over in a few minutes so there's no point in coming back." He whispered, picking up his bag. 

Suzuki nodded and shot him a quick smile before he left. 

Instead of actually going to the bathroom, Tomoya left the building as quickly as possible. Once he was outside and there was no one around he pulled out his phone. He double checked the live feed before checking...something else. 

And his suspicions were confirmed. 

He almost crushed his phone with the amount of force he was gripping it with. He couldn't let Dabi win like this. 

At the same time, the fact Dabi was there worried him. What if Endeavor could defeat the nomu? What then? If something happened to Dabi....

He shouldn't care, he really shouldn't. 

But still. 

Tomoya stopped where he was and shrugged off his backpack. Reaching inside he pulled out a car key. Staring at it like it was daunting enemy, he sighed. 

It felt like some otherworldly force was pulling them together. Like they were intwined. 

And they were, in more ways than either knew. 

----------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- ---------- 

Dabi cackled as he enveloped his body in his own flames, protecting himself from Endeavor and Hawks' attacks. 

Adrenaline was coursing through his veins. In that moment he felt on top of the world, high on his father's potential defeat. 

"Dabi!" Endeavor roared. Touya laughed. He spoke his son's name, not even knowing so. It was all hilarious. Too funny. 

More laughter fell from his lips. Endeavor was about to say something else, but he stopped when he saw the dark purple fog envelop Dabi's form. 

The villains' eyes widened. 

"Fucking-". But he was cut off by the warping quirk. 

The villain was dumped in a nearby alleyway, far enough away that the Endeavor and Hawks would assume he was warped to another city, or somewhere equally unreachable. 

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