24: Shattered Mirrors Reflect Only Lies

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"I'm gonna melt the lock off." Touya announced. 

It had been nearly 10 minutes, they didn't have time for this. 

"You can't!" Natsuo said, putting himself between his brother and the door. "Tomoya owns the place sure, but he'd still have to replace it! And molten metal on the floor think of the damage!". 

"Fuck the damage." The villain spat, "I don't give a damn about damage if it means he hurts himself in there-". 

"Hey don't make it sound like I don't care.". 

"You're doing that yourself! Baby, hold on." Touya shouted at the door. He grabbed for the handle and Natsuo stood firmly in front of it. 

"Ha, I'm still taller than you." The younger boasted in a small moment of relaxation. Touya rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath. Damn it Natsuo was really good at deescalating things between them. Always had been. 

"Stop shouting.".

The brothers turned sharply, jumping at the sudden sound. Tomoya stood there, looking exhausted. He was leaning against the door, or more like he was supporting himself with the door. Tomoya looked like he was about to pass out. 

"You've cause quite the fuss. My neighbors might have questions." He said simply. 

"Are you okay?" Both brothers asked at the same time, a shockingly similar expression of concern on their faces. 

"I'm fine." Tomoya said simply, moving past them into the kitchen. He needed a glass of water. 

"You're clearly not." Touya shot back, grabbing Tomoya's hand to stop him. 

Immediately the student shook his hand off, glaring at him. "Don't touch me." He spat, the dark suddenly haggard look in his eyes and new dark circles prominent with his glare. 

Touya sighed a little. "Go sit down. I'll get you some water, you look like shit, stop pretending you're fine.". He walked off, Tomoya glaring at his back as he left. 

"I am fine." The pink haired man shot back angrily. 


The whole apartment went silent and Tomoya looked at Natsuo, a blank yet shocked look in his eye. Natsuo was glaring at him. 

"Yeah, I said it." The younger said simply, "Bull. Shit. You're the farthest from fine I've ever seen you since we met.". 

Touya reappeared with a cold glass of water and observed Tomoya again. Natsuo was exactly right. He had the same disassociated look he had the day prior while killing the all those Nomu. 

He had always wondered about what would happen if two different Tomoya's were forced to be there are the same time. He could be two people, but not at the same time. The blankness must be a response to that. 

"Tomoya, you..." Natsuo looked conflicted as he continued. "I've been worried about you for a while. I know you're older than me, and you're the one who usually takes care of me but...I'm worried.". 

"You don't have to be worried.". And with those words Touya watched as Tomoya's entire face changed. He looked brighter, he had a small compassionate smile on his face and he looked much less tired. Suddenly he didn't need to lean against anything to support himself and his pupils could focus again. "Its just a bit shocking. I was overwhelmed, and sometimes I just need a second to myself.". 

Shivers ran up Touya's spine as he watched the interaction. 

He knew Tomoya was good, he knew. But this still shocked him. It looked so genuine. So real it was genuinely fucking with his head. The couldn't be the truth, it couldn't be. Too quick a switch, too sudden a shift in mood. 

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