29: Is That A Yes?

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It was afternoon now. Tomoya had poured his heart, his whole story out, just hours before. 

And now he was teaching Dabi how to make cabbage and spring onion pancakes. 

"I've seen it made before, I don't need okinomiyaki 101." The villain groaned. 

Tomoya could have said something like 'are you sure?' but he didn't have to because after torturing him it seemed the universe was on his side, trying to prove his point. "Your pancake's burning." He said smugly. 

Touya's eyes went comically wide and he turned to the pan. "Fuck!" He said, rushing over to the sink. Tomoya held back a laugh. "This isn't funny! I am a scary villain with staples in my skin, stop laughing.". 

"And I'm a very scary murderer with a knife in my pocket so you'd better get that off the stove before I have to use it." Tomoya replied. He kept his eyes glued on his own pancakes. He flipped them over the moment the oil started looking right. 

His were turning out perfect, despite being smaller than the one big pancake that Touya had attempted. 

"Sometimes I think you really are a psychopath." Touya grumbled, internally wondering if Tomoya did or did not actually have a knife in his pocket. 

"Well you decided to stay with this psychopath.". 

"Chatty today, huh?". 

"You set the pan on fire.". 

"No I didn't-motherfucker!!!". 

Tomoya laughed as Touya turned the sink on and shoved the pan under it. "I made enough for both of us." The pink haired man assured him. 

"Well that's something. I'm so good at cooking at home, how did this happen?" Touya sighed. 

"This stove was made in the 80s. Its been sitting in this safehouse for decades. Its touchy." Tomoya explained. He found this...relaxing. It was strange, but he had found this sort of enjoyment in the domestic stuff before, but this seemed much...lighter. 

Maybe it was because he had finally told someone. 

"Hey, Tomoya." Touya said. The student snapped out of his thoughts and turned around to see Touya leaned up against the counter. 

"Do you wanna go out with me?". 

Tomoya fell silent from shock. What? What had he just asked? 

"Come on, don't look at me like that." The villain laughed. "We've been through all this shit together and I can't even call you my boyfriend. I've been asking for ages, baby.". 

"Why would you even want to date me?" The student asked. He genuinely couldn't understand how after hearing the full story someone would ever consider dating him. He was damaged goods in the psychological department. Majorly, irreversibly fucked up. And he hadn't even answered Touya when he asked what his kill count was. What if he changed his mind when he learned?

"'Cause I love you." Touya said, like it was obvious.

And suddenly Tomoya's eyes were leaking. 

Well, crying, but it didn't feel like crying. His throat wasn't tight and his eyes weren't red or puffy. Tears just rolled down his cheeks without his permission. 

"What?" He muttered aloud, touching his fingers to the liquid to make sure he hadn't spontaneously gotten a cut or something. 

Touya took a step closer to him, furrowing his brow. "This is so not fair oh my god. I look like an actual horror movie monster when I cry. Why do you get to look like a damn fairy?". 

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