32: Tornado Warning

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Tomoya's second Todoroki family dinner was probably going to be completely different from the first. 

He distinctly remembered getting ready for the first, how meticulously he chose his clothes, his shoes, how he did his hair, everything. He remembered driving the car to a nearby parking lot earlier that day before taking the bus back to his apartment before he even started getting ready. 

He remembered taking the bus over once again and preparing himself to kill Todoroki Enji before Natsuo even greeted him at the door. 

This time it was going much differently, and he hadn't even left the house yet. He could only assume how different it was going to be when he got there. 

When they got there really. 

"Do I really have to wear this? What's wrong with my normal clothes?" Touya asked, gesturing to his outfit. 

'This' was a plain white sweater with dark grey almost black pants. A very simple outfit. Tomoya was wearing a similar outfit with light beige nearly white pants and a loose fitting salmon sweater. 

"We're going to dinner with your family." Tomoya explained, "You're not wearing something with rips in it.". 

"Like my family has ever cared." Touya replied. "They know how I dress, they don't care.". 

"Fuyumi set a dress code. She wants to take pictures and said we all had to dress nicely." He explained. Touya sighed. 

"Fuyumi can deal." He pouted. Tomoya rolled his eyes and moved over to hug Touya from behind. 

"Come on." He said, resting his head on the other man's shoulder. "For me?". 

Maybe he was exploiting a weakness, but as a strategy it always worked. Touya sighed and spun around, hugging Tomoya close to him. 

"Fine." He said, pecking Tomoya quickly on the lips. "But only for you.". 

"Thank you." Tomoya replied with a small satisfied smile. "We should get going. Even with the car we're gonna have to deal with traffic.". 

Touya nodded and the two started to put their shoes on. 

"Does the car ever bother you?" He asked suddenly. "I mean-it was that fucker's car, wasn't it?". 

"It was." Tomoya confirmed, "But its not like I saw it before he died. He used to drive me to his house in another car, a nicer one.". 

"Didn't know they made nicer ones than yours." Touya quipped. Tomoya just continued. 

"The one I drive around was left in the garage, I hadn't seen it before I went to collect his possessions. I sold the first car around the same time I sold the house.". 

"Why not keep the house?". 

"I never want to go back to Akita. What good does a house there do for me?". 


They talked about idle things throughout the car ride until they pulled up to the house. Tomoya remembered how tense Touya had been the last time they were there, and realized he was still tense. 

"Does the house ever bother you?" He asked, parroting Touya's earlier question.

"Sometimes yeah.". Sometimes with Touya usually meant all the time. "It always felt like his castle, you know? Where he sat while he lorded over us, where he could do whatever he wanted because he was the 'king'.". There was venom in his voice as he voiced his thoughts. 

Tomoya put a hand on the man's shoulder in a reassuring way. Touya smiled and laughed a bit. "I'm not a baby, you don't have to comfort me." He laughed. "Now come on, we can pretend we're a normal couple and you're going to dinner with your in laws.". 

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