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There was never a dull moment in the largest ER in Tokyo. Announcements constantly going off, new people being admitted every minute, and patient discharges every five. 

"Dr. Hajime!" A voice called out. Tomoya turned on his heels, always quick to react. "Room 203 needs help, urgently.". 

The man nodded quickly and rushed to the room, careful not to bump into anybody in the hallway. The resident that was shadowing him for the day was struggling to follow after him. 

"You're too fast." The resident, Sakai, protested. Tomoya smiled slightly. 

"You have to move quickly around here." He explained. They arrived at 207 in no time. Tomoya didn't hesitate to enter the room. 

Inside was a man that looked pale as a ghost. He was clutching his arm in intense pain. Tomoya grabbed the man's medical chart from the hanger on the wall and checked it over. 

A quirk malfunction resulting in intense pain from the left arm. 

The man looked like he was on the verge of passing out. Obviously, this was why they had sent Tomoya in urgently. 

"Hello sir, I'm Dr. Hajime. I understand that you're in a lot of pain, correct?". 

"Yes." The man gritted out. "It happens from time to time, pretty unavoidable with my quirk but-" He sucked in a quick breath, "It hurts a hell of a lot.". 

"That I can easily remedy. Please give me your free hand." Tomoya instructed. With some effort, the man removed his right arm from his left and let it go limp on the bed near Tomoya. The doctor took a step forwards and took the hand in both of his. 

It was an unnecessary gesture, he only needed to tap him to administer the pain medication, but he had learned that it helped people feel better, for whatever reason. Even adults sometimes wanted physical comfort when sick or in pain. Especially if they were in the ER alone. 

Within seconds, the painkillers hit and the man relaxed. 

Tomoya reached for the patient chart and began jotting down the dosage. "I've just administered some powerful long acting pain killers. There are typically no side effects, but if you feel anything strange, push that button there and I'll come rushing back. You'll be free to go once we know you'll have no reaction to them, they should last at least 12 hours." He explained. 

The man nodded, clearly relieved. "Thank you." He said, with a hint of a smile. 

Tomoya smiled back. "Just doing my job. I hope your arm stops bothering you soon. You should speak with your doctor about prescribing some pain medication so you can avoid the hospital altogether. I'll send a referral.". 

With that, the doctor and patient exchanged goodbyes. Tomoya walked back into the hallway and started heading to the administrative desk to have that referral sent over. 

Sakai  was still in shock, their mouth wide open. "I heard a lot about your quirk." They explained when Tomoya gave them a questioning look. "But really-it was much cooler in action. Some people mentioned it was a little scary how effective it was.". 

"Well I certainly was told it was scary quite often." Tomoya explained with a small smile. "But I was convinced by an acquaintance to get my certificate for quirk use. Its certainly easier than measuring out the dose from a vial, and it creates less waste as well.". 

"You must be really good to get the dosing so quickly and never mess up." The resident said, wonder on their face now. "Could I ask who convinced you to get the certificate?". 

Tomoya's smile turned slightly mischievous. "Recovery Girl.". He watched as the resident's face grew even more shocked. 

Before he could even reach the administrative desk, another nurse stopped him. 

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