20: Denouement

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Tomoya wasn't an action type villain. He wasn't running from the police, attacking heroes or even stabbing people. He stood there, tapped them and called it a day. 

But sneaking into the basement of the Jaku City hospital took a bit more work. And he was sure it would be. 

Why? Because he planted a bug on the coat Dabi usually wears while out doing villain stuff. It basically came back with footage of chambers upon chambers of nomu and the audio of a sort of fight with Tomura about him becoming a nomu. 

Things needed to stop before they got out of hand. Innocent lives were at risk and he couldn't report it to the police without risking his every-day life. No matter how anonymous he tried to be, he couldn't hide enough. The police wouldn't let ground breaking information about Japan's greatest threat just be handed over. 

So he was there by himself. 

Tomoya sighed and pressed his forehead into the cold leather of his car's steering wheel. There were at least five lavender scented air fresheners in the car but sometimes it still smelled like him. He fucking hated that. 

Steeling his nerves, he double checked his fake ID before getting out of his car. He had disguised himself as a janitor. He could probably get away with disguising himself as a nurse, but he didn't want to risk being called to work with a patient and screwing up. He could probably do it, considering he was far ahead of his classmates, but he just couldn't risk it. 

So he unlocked his door and made his way from the parking lot to the hospital. 

He slipped in seamlessly through the staff entrance. All hospitals were laid out roughly the same way. Quickly he found a maintenance closet and tried to figure out if there were any cleaning carts available. There was one, so he adjusted his uniform one last time and moved to fill up the water bucket. 

Moving into the hallways he tried to follow what he had memorized. The basement had a secret elevator most likely, considering it wasn't on the map. But he found a gap, so he figured it was there. 

Checking his burner phone quickly he was shocked to see he got a notification from the app the camera's and audio devices he planted all over the place was close by. Dabi. Dabi was in the buildings. He had to hurry then, this could get hairy. 

'Keep your cover' He reminded himself, shoving the phone into the jumpsuit's pocket. 

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- 

Touya heard a clang from overhead and looked up. The metal runways that hung above him looked perfectly fine, perfectly empty, but he heard another clang. 

"Focus." Dr. Garaki scolded. Dabi turned back around and smirked. 

"I was never one for school, I have to admit. My attention span is a little..." He trailed off. The doctor just smiled absentmindedly. 

"Why you were the one sent here then?" He asked. The passive-aggressive tone wasn't lost of Dabi. Dr. Garaki continued to fiddle with some switched before turning to some freaky nomu thing. "Johnny, grab the release keys for 8.17 and 9.70." He instructed. The nomu immediately scuttled away to grab them. 

"It'll take him a while." Garaki said, "Stay here. I'll return momentarily. I do still have a day job.". He walked into a separate room, leaving Dabi alone. 

"You can come out now." Touya called out. Toga came out of the shadows. "Do you think he's going to cross us?". 

"Nope." The teen replied, popping the p. "Since Shigi got control of Gigantomachia he's been pretty unquestioning. He recognizes that the boss is in charge of everything now. Now, can I go explore? I think I saw a nomu with a swiss army arm and I wanna get a closer look!". 

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