10: I Just Thought I'd Ask

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For a villain that lived in a shit hole, Dabi had surprisingly soft sheets. 

Tomoya closed his eyes and relaxed back into them, not wanting to wake up just yet. Dabi snickered beside him and inched closer so their heads were on the same pillow. 

"Rise and shine." The villain drawled, his voice deep and gravely from sleep. Tomoya sighed faintly and opened his eyes. 

He didn't think he'd ever get bored of looking in Dabi's eyes. The villain was observing him intently too. 

"Thought you wore makeup." Dabi mumbled, "Your skin's so clear.". 

"I don't have time for makeup." Tomoya responded simply. He wore a mask most of the time anyways, there wasn't much reason for it. 

"You know, you used to flirt with me a lot more." The villain observed, "What happened to that false charm? Does everyone else get the smiles and little eye crescents except me?". 

"I don't need to give you false smiles and smirks to get what I want." Tomoya replied blankly. Dabi laughed but didn't protest it or voice his unhappiness. 

"I was going to ask earlier," The killer began, "Do you have anything planned for the U.A sports festival? Its in a few weeks.".

"Ha, you know the league better than I thought." Dabi smiled, "But we don't have any plans, honest. We've got other things on our plate.". 

"Like those nomu sightings I see popping up everywhere?". 

Silence fell over the room for a second. Dabi propped himself up on his arms over the pink haired man and started mouthing at his jaw, lazily dotting the area with kisses. 

"Mhmmm, I could go for mornings sex. Not too sore from last night?" The villain asked in leu of an answer. 

"Jaku City...." Tomoya continued, worried he sounded crazy. He just could stop thinking about the director from Jaku City Hospital. There was something wrong with him, he just knew it. "A lot of sightings are near there. Is that where you get them from? Where do you manufacture them.". 

Dabi didn't answer, too busy creating new hickies on the killer's neck. Tomoya huffed. 

"I'd like to know, Dabi.". 

"And I'd like to take you out on a real date, Tomo." The villain said with a smile, "Neither of us are getting what we want in this situation.". 

"Don't deluge yourself." Tomoya retorted, "A relationship between the two of us would only end one way-in flames.". 

"I'm fireproof baby, you can't scare me off." Dabi said, smirking. Tomoya shoved his face away and rolled his eyes. Gracefully, he got out of bed, the covers slipping off of his body in the process. 

He gathered his clothes from the floor and made his way to the tiny bathroom to brush his teeth. 

As he did so Dabi snaked up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and laying his head on Tomoya's shoulder. 

Tomoya couldn't help but realize how warm Dabi was. 

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Later that afternoon Tomoya arrived at U.A right on time with a light green gift bag in hand. He cleared himself with the gate security and was escorted to where Eri was staying by a gruff looking man who introduced himself as Aizawa. 

"She's been looking forward to your visit." The man informed him. 

"Really? I'm a bit surprised she remembered me." Tomoya said with a small smile. 

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