8: What Happened Was...

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Eri looped her arms around Chisaki's neck for support less than a second after Tomoya let go of her. The moment she made contact with Chisaki's skin, Tomoya grabbed her, pulling her back into his own arms before Chisaki collapsed. 

He gasped painfully and Tomoya did his best to look horrified. 

"Oh my god." He muttered. Eri's eyes were transfixed on the scene "D-don't look." He said, turning around with the girl pressed to his chest. He placed her on the ground and told her to cover her eyes. 

"Help!" He called out, despite knowing the place was most certainly abandoned, "He needs help!". There was no one around for blocks. No one was coming. "Oh god." He looked down at Chisaki's twitching form as he did so. 

The villain looked up at him with wide eyes, like he didn't know what was happening or why he was suddenly dying. He looked scared. 

Tomoya had seen that expression on many of his victims. The sudden realization that there was no out of this. That they were about to die, and nothing could stop them because the only person around who could give them the antidote was their killer. 

He rewarded Chisaki's expression with a smirk under his mask. The villain's eyes got impossibly wider when he realized what must have happened and Tomoya's face snapped back to concerned innocent bystander. 

He pulled his phone out and called for an ambulance. 

"Did-did I do something?" The girl asked, obediently looking away from the scene. 

"Oh, no, sweetheart you didn't do anything. I think he's having a heart attack." Tomoya said, reaching to check Chisaki's pulse. Silence. When he checked the villain's eyes again they were lifeless and glassy. "Its going to be okay, alright? You're going to be okay. Someone's gonna be here to help your dad in a second.". He began some fruitless chest compressions. 

"He's not my dad." Eri mumbled. Tomoya was half surprised, half not. Chisaki didn't have any children as far anyone knew, especially not one 

"Alright then. Well someone's going to be here in a bit okay. Just don't look." He said, his voice making it sound like he was on the verge of tears. He removed Chisaki's mask and checked his airways. Nothing coming in or out. 

He was well and truly dead. 

Sirens sounded off in the distance as the ambulance got closer. The woman on the phone with Tomoya relayed as such and he thanked her profusely, saying he was trying to help the man in front of him, but it was no use. 

When they ambulance pulled up on the curb Tomoya was crying and kneeling by Chisaki's body. 

He had always said the perfect cover was being a pretty crier. 

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"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." The police woman said, her hand on his shoulder. Tomoya shook his head. 

"No, I'm just-I should have been able to save him." He replied tearfully. The officer shook her head sadly. 

"No one could have predicted that would happen. And you couldn't do a thing without a defibrillator and there were none nearby. Even if you're a med student you couldn't have been prepared for that." She assured him. Tomoya wiped his eyes. 

"Eri-is she alright?". Eri was the saving grace of that situation. Tomoya had never had to speak to the police before, especially about someone he himself killed. Eri was innocent in all of this and it was worth the risk to save her. 

Besides, without Eri he wouldn't have been able to get a lethal dose of that poison into Chisaki's blood stream. 

See, there are certain chemicals that act as antibiotics to children but are poisons to adults. The same compound that would keep Eri's clumsily bandages wounds infection-free killed Chisaki Kai by inducing a heart attack. 

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